I read a lot of near death experiences and a lot of books about it.
Due to these accounts I came to believe that there is some kind of afterlife. Those experiences show that the most important things in life are unconditional love and compassion.
Why do I believe that we pass somehow in another world?
All kind of people have these experiences, no matter if children, adult, from all different cultural background and religion. Most experiences have similar characteristics, coming to a light, feeling or communicating with a higher power that is full of love, a review of all actions in life and how these made others feel, higher awareness and knowledge, seeing or feeling deceased loved ones.
Several factors convince me. 1. that people see themselves out of their body and they can relate in detail things they can not know (like conversations that happened in other rooms etc.).
2. Near death experiences of children. Children would never make them up. 3. Blind or death people from birth on were able to see or hear during the NDE and give details about it. 4. All those experiences say it was a highly conscious experience not like a dream but real. Dreams normally end anytime (even apruptly). NDE s have usually a clear ending (with the sending back or decision to go back). 5. A NDE can influence a person for all his life.