They hated this guy:
And were anti-semitic...
William G. Scheckels and Fishbein
WILLLUI G. SCHECKELS beautiful five-year-old
child, once the light of the home at 540
Newton Place, 'Vashington, D. C., is dead of
lockjaw follo\ving vaccination. He was vac~
cinated so that he might have the privilege
of attending school, to get a chance to learn
how to live. The investigation has been turned
over to the 'Health Department', and, as
they are ahyays regular M.D.'s, that \vill be the
end of it. And that brings us to Fishbein, the
president of the American Medical Association,
a Hebrew of the Hebrews. He has just written
a book in which he proceeds to tell us how
superior is the judgment of a member of the
American Medical Association to that of Jesus
Christ, in the following language: "To the modern
informed physician, such risings from apparent
death arc not miracles because they are
perfectly nnder:-toocl. To the uninformed observer
of more than 1900 years ago, such an in.
cident might well appear to haye been a raising
from the dead." No doubt Fishbein feels that it
is just too bad that he did not have an oppor.
tunity to teach Christ the importance ofvaccina.
tion, and to explain to Him that if anything is
ever to be done for William G. Scheckels it ,,,ill
haye to be clone hy a modern informed physi~
ciano Meantime, "see your doctor twice a year."