JoinedPosts by KiddingMe
How men become homosexuals...
by Calebs Airplane infinally, i've found the reason why some men become homosexuals.. the 1976 book "your youth: getting the best of it" explains it here in great detail.... .
philipines disaster news up on
by Captain Blithering in
wouldn't it be nice if they said 'you know what, we've made millions in property sales recently, lets donate a couple million to a philipines relief fund..'
ten vans full, probably just for jw's.
Elders receive a report that I am openly displaying false religious symbol
by confusedandalone inwhen you look at the image above what do you see?
a sneaker or an outward display that i am now following after another religious group?.
well yesterday i had a 10 minute conversation with an elder who finally got the balls to call me.
Have you grown detached from caring about JW family and old friends?
by tootired2care inafter being out of the borg for a year and a half, weve dealt with a lot of nonsense from local elders stopping by unannounced, well-meaning do-gooders trying to encourage us.
somehow weve managed to get through this without getting dfd/dad.
for me the worst part of it all has been that much of my family has shunned me, and stopped talking to me, as soon as they heard through the grapevine that i wasnt going to meetings.
Yes, I know all too well from the WT the dangers of social networking...LOL. I do tend to look at some of the things that I'm doing as boring, I'll give this some thought though. Thanks, and peace to you and yours as well.
While you may view college as boring, I'm sure your know it's a great accomplishment and something to be proud of- consider posting pictures of small milestones along the way, such as a snapshot of a good test score, final grade, the book cover of a new class your about to begin. You can apply this approach to just about anything you are doing throughout the day, weeks or months. You said life is a breath of fresh air, maybe you can somehow show that through your post. For example, take a quick pic of the current skyline, when you encounter such moments, with a simple caption, "My current view"- if this fits your personality. Show them from a distance you are good.
As time goes on, it could be therapeutic to look back over your postings. At the same time, to a certain degree, it keeps your close JW family on the emotional hook. Don't let them off easy.
I am not friends with my children on social network. Before, I started waking up to TTATT, it would trigger something in me, when other non-witness friends and relatives would tell me about something they read or how proud they are something on my child's page. The trigger had to do with the fact that the things my relatives and others would mention were normal everyday things but, they are not always viewed that way in "JW" world. Things, that interest them and reflected their real personality and growth, like a few lyrics to a song, a picture of a poem, a picture of a fun time they had with friends, a trip they went on.
Parents naturally want their children be happy, do well, and to be proud of them. I started asking myself, if everyone else is noticing and acknowledging these things about my children, how could I not? What is wrong with this picture? Maybe I needed to reevaluate? Its sort of peer pressure, if everyone else saw good, then maybe I'm wrong?
I said all of that to say, it could trigger something in them, even if it's deep down (for a split second) to see their child doing well and accomplishing something as significant in life as college. If you are friends with them on social network, they will see other's positive comments on your page, if you are not, they will hear it through the grapevine.
Don't let them checkout easily. Worst case they will know you are doing just fine without the control of the WTS.
If you watch family guy you are into beastiality
by confusedandalone inatleast that is what a group of jw's discussed on my wifes facebook account.
this is not the first time it has happened but it really took off this morning.. one sister says, "i was watching family guy with kids and the dog took home a human to have sex with.
i was appauled!.
CAA - Jesus would never be late! He came over for Halloween, he was invisible so you didn't see him. He had some high-end Liquor too, but, you scared him away, with your trick or treat antics.
Well it is time for me to say GOODBYE!!!
by mouthy init has been nice talking with you.but i seem to upset a few because of my faith.. so have a great christmas.... & be good, i wont be here to send you to your rooms .
i have grown close to many of you.... if i have ever said anything to hurt you sorry!!!!.
when i kick the bucket i am sure "mary" who ssometimes post will let you know.. mouthy grace gough.
Mouthy, I always love reading your posts. I'm wishing the best for you anod your family!
'Great ROI'...successfully fading
by Skipper12 in6 months or so ago, me and my wife decided we will never set foot again in a kingdom hall.
about 4 months earlier than that, i stumbled upon an article about the wts being associated with the un.
that got me into finding out ttat eventually.
Welcome! Thanks for sharing!
Wife and kids are officially OUT!!
by Oneoutallout inmy wife has told her jw best friend and jw sister that she is givng up the religion!!
and there was i worrying about losing her when i left the cult.
and, to top it all, my 15 and 13 year old children are using their critical thinking skills and can see it all for what it is.
Congrats!! I'm so happy for you!! Just about in tears thinking of how you must be feeling. I think I'll have a drink to celebrate for you and your family's freedom!
by The Searcher inhere's what i scavenged from the most notable watchtower i've ever read.
it may be far more significant than many people realise!.
and before anyone whinges that one or two are 'old light', the fact remains that all of them are rejecting what was once 'inspired truth' from the revered fds, and disagreeing with any one of these (now current) falsehoods would have resulted in your "stoning to death" and shunning by all whom you loved.
god-of-the-gaps. Should we or shouldn't we fiil in the gaps with God?
by KateWild inscience imo does not have all the answers.
when i discover gaps in science, it's easy for me, as a temporary measure to fill in the gaps with god.
i do this until i have learnt something new.. what about you?