Many who are trapped may use acusitory language. They have bee indoctrinated to do so, they have been taught everything on the internet is a lie if it's going against the WT.
I agree. The GB is hyping the apostate talk more and more. It's being covered in every, assembly, convention etc. They are demonizing the term "apostate" I'm not sure how to combat this yet but I think it's important to differentiate yourself from the JW definition, if you are trying to help someone out. Hopefully, in some way this will start to open the eyes of the one you are helping to see that there is something up with the WT need to dehumanize former members.
I know for me when, I first came to this site and read real raw stories from current and former members, they did not fit the definition of apostate as I knew it. That set off a roller coaster of emotions causing me to question what really is going on?