What is so odd, my soul mate and I are not married. She and I have been together for 22 years.
I figured my daughter would never come to visit us.
is something going on in jw land i don't know about.
she and her new husband and my two.
grand daughters, one i have never seen.
What is so odd, my soul mate and I are not married. She and I have been together for 22 years.
I figured my daughter would never come to visit us.
is something going on in jw land i don't know about.
she and her new husband and my two.
grand daughters, one i have never seen.
OK folks if the only reason for the visit to get me back since 1987 forget it.
If this is the reason for her visit I need your help. I told my JW elder brother,
if you can prove what I tell you about the organization is a lie, I will be at the next meeting.
I never heard from him. I have a 2 hrs before they arrive, I will tell her the same thing.
So quickly, give me some points a list of lies by the WT.
is something going on in jw land i don't know about.
she and her new husband and my two.
grand daughters, one i have never seen.
freddo: Good idea "small treats for grandchildren". It's so hot here in southern CA, something
cool to drink. My son told me her new husband seems to be a OK guy, we will see. Her
last husband was a jerk.
is something going on in jw land i don't know about.
she and her new husband and my two.
grand daughters, one i have never seen.
Is something going on in JW land I don't know about. She and her new husband and my two
grand daughters, one I have never seen. My daughter divorced her JW husband two years ago and
remarried, so she out here for a visit so her JW husband can meet all the none JW family members, including
me. I believe my other JW daughter(we always stayed in contact) arranged this, and my son who followed me
out of the organization. He(my son) call me yesterday and told me , dad your oldest daughter is coming by
to see you and it was her decision.
Frankly i'am nervous.
i was just thinking about how the wts has been spouting off for years that satan and his demons were cast down to the vicinity of the earth in 1914, but really, when you think about it, what was the difference before 1914 or after 1914?.
its not like satan and his demons did not have access to the earth.
satan and his demons always were messing with earth.
literally raised hell.
reading a article on the survivor's of hiroshima and nagasaki, over 70 years ago and they still.
have nightmares, 110000 kiled instantly.that is something you don't forget.. have these goofballs(gb) given any thought to their day of reckoning, any idea what this will.
do to young mind.
Reading a article on the survivor's of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, over 70 years ago and they still
have nightmares, 110000 kiled instantly.That is something you don't forget.
Have these goofballs(GB) given any thought to their day of reckoning, any idea what this will
do to the young mind. A five year old witnessing the destruction and reason this is Jehovah's
loving act. Young and old should have some psychological damage, but especially the young.
You just can't walk down the street of your city and is flatten like a pancake, birds picking at
your classmate eyeballs, your non JW grandmother burnt to a crisp.
OH sure the young mind will walk out of this with no problems.
I still have nightmares of Viet Nam.
this is a story of two jw couples, brother jerk and his wife sister pleasant, brother easy going.
the ocean.. sister pleasant: wife!
brother jerk.
GT: My mind was ok before I became a JW, a JW for 16 years is a scary place.
I just received a call from my non-JW sister. My daughter will be in town for
the L.B assembly this week end. My JW brother called her and told her to pass the
word to all of the other non JW family members that he will have a family gathering
at his home and they are all invited. My JW daughter and her new husband is here to meet
the family. MY sister called to ask if I was invited. LOL
I told her no way and keep in mind I haven't seen this daughter in 17 years.
So my sister said if you are not invited all non- JW family will not go, they all ask was I invited.
My sister last words on the phone, these are some sick folks, disgusting.
this is a story of two jw couples, brother jerk and his wife sister pleasant, brother easy going.
the ocean.. sister pleasant: wife!
brother jerk.
This is a story of two JW couples, Brother Jerk and his wife sister pleasant, brother Easy Going
and his wife No idea...Brother Jerk wife dies before the resurrection and soon after brother Easy Going kick
the bucket.
OK, so now we have the resurrection.
B. Jerk wife shows up. Dear where are we living now?
B. Jerk: I don't know where you are living but my wife and I are living in the big house overlooking
the ocean.
Sister Pleasant: Wife! What wife?
B. Jerk: Sister No Idea , married to brother Easy Going. He died soon after you. We married about
9 months after he kicked the bucket.
SP; You don't love me anymore? Damn't she was my best friend.
B. J: Out of sight out of mind.
SP: Hell I was only dead for over a year.My body was still warm.
Brother Easy Going shows up.
B, Easy: But dear you told me you will wait for me in the resurrection, and you married
brother Jerk. You told me you thought he was a jerk.
Sister No idea: Well I still love you, but.
B. Jerk: He chime in. Remember my wife he is the same as angels, no sex.
B. easy: You stay out of this, I'm talking to my wife of 40 years.
B. Jerk:You died man, get over it.
B. easy: You are a A-hole.
B. Jerk: watch your tone buddy, you are talking to one of the Holy Ones. I can DF you with
snap of my finger.
Brother Easy Going and sister Pleasant walks away with heads down mumbling,
they call this paradise, this is F- up.
The names are not the same, but I know of two couples this happen so we will have
to wait to see what take place in the resurrection. LOL
why murder 8 billion non-believers to just turn around and resurrect 20 billion other non-believers?
Think about the FS hours they can report, 20 billion nonbelievers compared to
8 billion nonbelievers who think JW's are some nutty religion.