When did it become a "requirement" to pray at every meal?
JoinedPosts by TemeculaMole
Unbaptized Children Allowed to Say Prayer at the Table?
by GermanXJW inrecently a jw friend of mine was counseled by an elder because he let his children pray at the table.. i remember a co telling that an unbaptized child cannot pray at the table for the whole family.
he stated that after such a prayer a baptized family member has to say another, a valid prayer.. does anyone remember that the wts published anything in writing about that matter?.
not that i care, just wondering...
If You Could Explain To A Witness WHY They Are Wrong, Would You Want To?
by minimus inand would you personally, be able to make a clear explanation as to why the witnesses are so wrong??
From my attempts to discuss controversial issues I have come to the point that I beleive its useless. Until the person has begun to have doubts themselves you cannot get past the barriers built up over years of Borg mind control.
I guess its like arguing with an Alcoholic. No matter what you tell the person they wont beleive.
Someone earlier posted that the best method is to put a seed of doubt and let that seed grow. This may be.
Major WTS Prophecy goes down to defeat !!!
by Amazing inmany here may recall that the watchtower society has published much material on the prophetic role of the united nations ... specifically, the united nations is the scarlet colored wild beast, the "image" of the worldly 7 headed wild political beast ... it would be given life by the two-horned dual world power of britain and america, the "lamb-like beast spoken of in revelation ... this "image" beast would be given power to rule one prophetic hour over the nations as they subordinate their national sovereignty to it ... and so on ...
then ... after the creation of the united nations in 1945 in san francisco the wts interpreted revelation regarding the demise of the old league of nations to apply to a statement in revelation that this "image" beast would be revived in the form of the united nations ... seemingly, the wts was on to something ... and for the next 45 years (until about 1990) the watchtower published anything and everything they could to make their interpretation stick with respect to how deep in the time of the end they believed we were living in ... then, about 1990, the watchtower society joined the un as a member ngo ... a significant departure from their previous stand on political neutrality ... and ... hatred of satan's old system of things ... certainly, since we are nearly 90 years into the last days of this wicked system we would expect the un to be in control or at least taking the lead ...
so, now ... where do we stand as of march 19th, 2003?
All this talk made me pull out the ol' Revelation book. One side comment on something that struck me funny.
Quote: After the first world war, the rulers of this world formed the League of Nations in an effort to solve the problem of world security, but this failed. So other experimental types of rulership were tried, such as Fascism and Nazism (italics mine).
Does anyone think that Nazism was an "experiment". Do we think that the League members sat around and said "Hey lets try Fascism or maybe Nazism...I dont know if it will work but lets give it a whirl". The comments imply that these "experiments" were dreamed up by the League and therefore its the Leagues fault that things did not work. In my humble opinion this is a misleading statement.
Circuit Assembly this past weekend
by Jourles inthis past weekend we had our circuit assembly.
you guessed it, same ol' same ol.
' on saturday, the overall theme was based on materialism.
I havent donated in 10 years... I do feel guilty though for taking books and junk for free but I manage to get over it.
10 Steps to Apostasy
by teejay injanh posted this over at kent's.
i think it's pretty funny... and accurate.
ten phases in the development of an apostate
I'm a 9...If it wasnt for family I would be out...
Are You Afraid Of Watchtower Spies, Here?
by minimus indo you think that some in our midst are watchtower spies?
Whats to be afraid of??
Bethel is reading, so lets give them a count, How many people here NOW are
by Its so simple in.
active jw's that are catching on to the geisers back on the farm?.
count me..but dont tell anyone...shhhhhh
Are you tired of War
by JH insince months they are talking about war, and now it is happening.
ever since 9/11, we are flooded with news of war.
are you sick and tired of hearing about war?
So what is the best solution?
(trying to help you with becoming a Jedi..whatever that this??)
Get-together on Saturday night and study the Watchtower!
by MoeJoJoJo indo you remember those?
did anyone actually enjoy doing that?
some friends would say "hey, we're having a get together" and i would say sure we'll be there, then they'd say "oh, be sure and bring your watchtower!
When I was young......
Someone was having a party, at least thats what I thought, so i was planning on going. My friends went earlier because I had to work. So i get there about an hour after they do. I drive up the street and theres a bunch of cars parked outside but no party noises. Seemed strange at the time but oh well a partys a party. I knock on the door and the father answers. The father opens the door and gives me this weird look (i dont know him and barely know the girl that was giving the party). So I go in and walk into the family room. Theres maybe 50 - 75 people in this room sitting around having a tower study. I had to hold it in from laughing..cause I knew all these people thought it was a party just like me and got stuck at a boring tower study. Luckily I was late and only had to sit through 10 minutes. After the amen everyone cleared out in about 30 seconds.
What's The Strangest Thing that ever happened to you OUT IN SERVICE??
by NaruNaruChan ini once had a guy answer the door naked, and i laughed my butt off... you?
A friend and I finished at the door and these little kittens follow us to the next door, though we werent aware of this. We go to the next door and knock. Some kids open the door and two pitbills come racing out of the house and latch on to a couple of the kittens. Me and my friend start beating the dogs with our book bags. But the dogs dont let go and run of into the streets. My friend and I high tailed it out of there and went to work the next street.
This reminds me of something else. There was a wacky JW family (hard to beleive,,,right) that lived the next block over from me when I was a kid. They used to give out towers and awakes at Halloween. The next day their kid had to run up and down the streets picking up the magazines of the floor. Morons!!