Spice, that's funny - - I say the same thing - - even if what I'm doing IS a problem. I think this is a part of a "perfectionist" nature. I feel the need to make everything look easy.
JoinedPosts by worldlygirl
your catch phrase
by SpiceItUp inso i'm sitting here at work and it just dawned on me that i use the same phrase over and over subconsciously.
in my job i have lots of people that thank me on the phone and for some reason instead of saying "your welcome" (which i do use occasionally) i say "not a problem" or "no problem".. what is your little catch phrase that you subconsciously use?.
spice of the fluffy friday class
Give A Sample Of What a Watchtower Magazine Will Say 10 Years From Now
by minimus inany thoughts??
Should say "Millions Now Dying Will Never Live" (New light . . . who can blame the FDS for transposing a couple of words???
I can't find the damn thing!!!!!
by Thunder Rider inplease forgive the following rantings.
several months ago i lost my watch.
it is somewhere in the house.
HA HA HA . . . Of course it will be in the last place you look!!! Why would you keep looking after you found it, silly??
What's YOUR favourite quote?
by Dansk inhere's three beauties:.
the sayings of u. g. krishnamurti .
"a messiah is the one who leaves a mess behind him in this world.".
"Indecision IS a decision, and inevitably a bad one."
129 Passangers Sucked from Plane
by Francois indid any of you see this story in the london times, i believe it was?
a russian-built cargo plane was taking zimbabweian army troups along with their families to a new location.
there was a catastrophic failure in the pressurization system which blew off the two giant cargo doors in the back of the plane creating a gigantic vacuum which sucked out every passanger on board, 129 people, at 7,000 feet - about a mile and a quarter up over congo i think it was.. this story made my skin crawl.. francois
The story I read also said 33,000 feet. I don't mean to be heartless, but I had to laugh when I read the first paragraph. It described the event, then said " . . . all are feared dead." - - FEARED DEAD???!!! I'm no scientist, but if they were sucked out of a plane at 33,000 feet, I think it is pretty safe to go ahead and declare that they did not survive the fall.
Cruise Tips Anyone?....
by Sentinel inhubby and i are about to embark on our first cruise this coming weekend.
we fly to ft. lauderdale, and sail to key west and then to cozumel and back to ft lauderdale.
(five days, four nites) we are on the royal caribbean line, and our ship is the enchantment of the seas.. have any of you taken this cruise before?
One thing I forgot to mention earlier - In Cozumel you simply MUST go to Carlos & Charlie's. It's the most "happening" place there. You'll love it!!
Cruise Tips Anyone?....
by Sentinel inhubby and i are about to embark on our first cruise this coming weekend.
we fly to ft. lauderdale, and sail to key west and then to cozumel and back to ft lauderdale.
(five days, four nites) we are on the royal caribbean line, and our ship is the enchantment of the seas.. have any of you taken this cruise before?
We took the exact same cruise last July. The cruise itself was great, but unfortunately another guest had a heart attack after we left Key West and they had to turn the ship around, so we were really late getting to Cozumel. Bummer. I would definitely suggest parasailing in Key West! Both of you can go up together and it is so much fun!! If you want to do any other "excursions" I would sign up as soon as you get on the ship because the good ones fill up quickly.
The shows were really good, but I'm not sure if they will still be doing the same ones. Stay away from the onboard casino - they have the tightest slot machines I have ever played. The drinks are a little pricey, too, so you may want to smuggle some mini-bottles in your luggage. The brochure says they don't allow it, but everybody does it. All in all, its a great trip with great food and quality entertainment. Enjoy!!
Need Help Designing a JW Barbie Doll
by worldlygirl inwhen i saw englishman's post about a theme for his "barbie", i thought he meant barbie doll.
anyway, i was thinking what a jw barbie would look like.
Hey, Talking JW Barbie is a great idea! Maybe there should be a Disfellowshipped/Evil/Worldly Barbie, too. No, nevermind, she would be exactly like the regular Barbie they've been selling for years.
Need Help Designing a JW Barbie Doll
by worldlygirl inwhen i saw englishman's post about a theme for his "barbie", i thought he meant barbie doll.
anyway, i was thinking what a jw barbie would look like.
When I saw Englishman's post about a theme for his "Barbie", I thought he meant Barbie Doll. DUH!! Anyway, I was thinking what a JW Barbie would look like. So far, I know she should have polyester dresses (below the knees, of course) and wear flats - none of those worldly high heels. Her legs should be fused together, at least from the knees up. No Barbie Corvette, either . . . maybe a Buick Station Wagon. And, of course, she would carry a briefcase rather than a fashionable purse. It would need to be made clear to the consumer purchasing JW Barbie that she and JW Ken should never, never be left alone unsupervised. As for that Barbie Townhouse, that could serve as a mini-Bethel - just add printing presses. Any more ideas??