I'm here in North Carolina, and fine for the moment. They have cancelled my childrens schools for the day. It's raining now, but we're not expecting the strong winds to hit for three or four more hours. I'm a little nervous!!
quite an evacuation of coast line down in north carolina.. everybody okay?.
special k
I'm here in North Carolina, and fine for the moment. They have cancelled my childrens schools for the day. It's raining now, but we're not expecting the strong winds to hit for three or four more hours. I'm a little nervous!!
be honest
My estranged husband.
i have read a number of different materials on this subject,doctrine,teaching,topic and still can't reconcile that a good god would really create a place called hell.
jeremiah 7:31and 19:5 and they have built the high places of tophet,which is in the valley of the son of hinnom,to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire,which i did not command ,nor did it come into my heart.
if burning of sons and daughters never came into god's heart, and god is good and loving,why the teaching of a burning hell-fire as eternal punishment for most of mankind who have no idea about this or the so-called way out of this hell?
Um, NO.
i have been dating this woman for two months.
i somehow agreed to being monogamus with her....the details aren't important..but here i am stuck in a relationship that daily grows more unbearable.
i have been trying to get the nerve to end it for the last 6 weeks...lol well it's true.
What Robdar said. Your passive-aggressive approach is sickening. You should at least have the balls to let her know you want out. No need to explain about the cheating, just tell her the truth - that you are a complete asshole who really doesn't give a crap about her feelings - so "Goodbye." She may hurt for awhile, but pretty soon she will be happy you left.
Worldlygirl (of the recently-scorned-by-a-man-with-no-balls class)
ever notice how the happiest dubs are the one that are clueless?
they think brother circuit overseer is oh so grand, yet in reality he is up for jerk of the year.
they absolutely think everone and everything is wonderful.
You just described my ex-mother-in-law. She is living proof that ignorance truly IS bliss.
this so bums me out.
i'm not a big johnny cash fan, but he was a cornerstone for the country music industry.. john ritter was a funny guy, i wiil always remember three's company.. they will both be missed.
I am shocked. I have always been a huge fan of John Ritter, and I watched "8 Simple Rules" with my kids every week. This is tragic.
would you really want to live in jw paradise?
armageddon has just ended ... the dust is settling ... you discover you are still alive ... and with that you see millions of dead bodies all about you (some big city like london, rome, paris) ... then you see a few others walking around ... you get up and rush to them to find out what they are doing ... they are fellow jws who survived armageddon, just like you .... .
more and more gather until there are a few hundred in your area.
... This almost makes the proverbial Hell sound like a walk in the park!
because they both have probrably been thru similar experiences..and can share whatever spirituality is left..i know id prolly prefer an xjw guy to someone in the world :).
any thoughts?
I guess I'm jaded, but don't you think there would always be the gnawing fear that one or the other would return to JW-land?
when you travel to other cities, do you find that women or men look nicer or more sexy than in your home town?
maybe it's because we see new butts faces, that give this illusion.. so, is the grass greener elsewhere?
So, JH, I take it you're a "butt man".
SP, I think every case is different. If you are extremely worried about having that one margarita, you are probably not an alcoholic. There are all kinds of technical terms for us drinkers. I prefer to think of myself as a "functional alcoholic". I drink almost every day, but not so much that I can't control my actions. I don't drink and drive. I never miss work or have hangovers. The funny thing is, since my husband left, I have actually consumed LESS alcohol.