Be honest
If you could use a voodoo doll to hurt anyone you chose, would you?
by Happythoughts 48 Replies latest watchtower bible
No!!! I would never use a voodoo doll - it's unchristian!!!
I would much rather give my enemies a much deserved asskicking!!!
Ontario District Overbeer
Yeh,my x-BF....he hurt my kids. It wouldn't bother me at all...I'd stick a pin in you know where and leave it.
I wanted to do this to my sister inlaws exboss. But I have to vote for ass kicking. Much more realistic. And you don't have to wait for the voodoo doll to decide when where etc.
William Penwell
I have been hurt a lot by different ones over the years and after the initial anger/hurt I just forget about them. By hating and holding grudges against anyone I would allow that person to have power/control over me. I just think they are not worth thinking about and go on with my life. Hate is a lower form of energy and it will consume all your energy that could be spend on positive good thoughts and emotions. So to answer your question, no wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone.
Victorian sky
Osama Bin Laden and any creep who hurts a kid. - V Sky
My estranged husband.
Phantom Stranger
Does throwing the doll at minimus count? :)
No. If I have any enemies, that's their problem; I won't waste my time or energy with them. "Success is the best revenge." Do what's best for yourself, and show love to your enemies, if you must deal with them at all.
Reminds me of Mark Twain, who said, "Tell the truth, it will amaze your friends and confound your enemies." Jesus had a prett good idea there when he said to love your enemies, that would surely confound them.
BTW, Welcome. Enjoy the forum.