The strongest feeling I remember having about my JW ex-husband is that he couldn't think his way out of a wet paper bag. "His Headship" was completely incompetent, and his thinking would have driven us straight to the poor house without my intervention.
JoinedPosts by worldlygirl
Wedding Present: The Family Happiness book
by Nosferatu inmy mother told me that after i get married, she's going to give me the "family happiness" book.
i've never read the thing, but i know it's a wts publication that often gets given or mailed out to newlyweds who aren't in the troof.
what's your opinion of this "fine christian publication"?
Leading Cardinal Says Pope in'Last Days'
by Adam in"last days?
" poor bastard is gonna live forever i guess.
i wonder if someone told him that his death is "coming soon" or that "some people here will live to see my kingdom his death.
I heard on the news he is only 83. I thought he was much older - he looks mid-nineties at least.
Wedding Present: The Family Happiness book
by Nosferatu inmy mother told me that after i get married, she's going to give me the "family happiness" book.
i've never read the thing, but i know it's a wts publication that often gets given or mailed out to newlyweds who aren't in the troof.
what's your opinion of this "fine christian publication"?
jwbot: I believe it's a good book, if you want to give out some passages fine, I'll rebut.
Dorkycrass, thanks for your input. You are certainly entitled to your own
delusionopinion. -
276,483 years from now.....
by SanFranciscoJim injehovah's witnesses are taught that they will live "forever" on paradise earth.. let's say the year is 278,486 (assuming armageddon occurred in 2003).
the millenium has passed, everyone has been resurrected, and earth has become the true paradise the jws predicted.. only one problem: you've done everything there is to do.
you've gone every place on earth there is to go.
... and how could there possibly have any meetings? There would be no need for "do more in service" talks because there would be no one left who needed a witness. There would be no other religions to trash, no need to hear talks about how much better JW's are than anyone else, no need for "new light", no need to try to figure out the Bible, etc........
Why Lady "C" and JT have no Kids- WT Style
by JT in*** g74 11/8 ***9 is this the time to have children?
there has always been a positive attitude about childbearing.
families with many children have been praised and honored.
My overzealous ex-inlaws had four children. They were born in 1961, 1965, 1977 & 1979. Does anyone notice the interesting "gap" during the time period leading up to 1975?
is the meaning of life?
The Long and Winding Thread REVISED Now about wedding gowns
by berylblue in.
this is about nothing.
OMG... I'm LMAO at the one that "doesn't work for this figure type" (not sure how else to describe the one I'm talking about.) It reminds me of a prom dress I tried on one time. My Dad was with me (bless his heart) and I came out of the dressing room. Now I've always been a little "hippy" and this dress did nothing to de-emphasize that. I said, "OMG, Dad, this dress makes my a$$ look HUGE." And he said, "Oh, thank God you told me, I thought it was your a$$ making that DRESS look huge!!"
Worst Pet Peeve
by Dimples inso what annoys you the most?.
i can't stand when people don't use their turn signals and then jump in front of you and make you slam on your brakes.
i try to refrain from road rage but i do cuss under my breath.
People who say "I could care less." Doesn't make sense. If you could care less, then you must care to some degree. Should be "I COULDN'T care less."
Braggarts - One guy I know tells everyone he meets he has an MBA. He always figures out a way to work it into the conversation. Who cares??
People who let their kids run wild in a restaurant. Try a little discipline, folks. If they learn how to behave at home, they won't ruin everyone else's dinner. Or, you could dine with them solely at places with a "Playland", like McDonalds.
Worldlygirl (a little grumpy this Monday morning!)
Is Sex All Men Think About?
by tyydyy infor instance: .
car - guys look for a car that will attract women.
so they can have sex.
Ummm, I'm college-educated, but sorry... no bi-sexual experiences. I love men!!!
ok i am leaving him
by orbison11 init will be difficult, very very.
imight loose my shop, i.e.
vandalism, big time.
Wendy, take care honey. I'm going through a divorce right now... I know how you feel. Believe me, the old saying is true... every day the pain will be less and less, until finally you won't feel pain anymore.