Congratulations, Rosemarie!!!!!!!!!!!
JoinedPosts by worldlygirl
No Personal References for Job Interview...
by berylblue ini have professional references (need advice on that too) but, thanks to my rebellion against the true god and his organization, i have no personal references, having been df like i deserve.
(the question which begs asking, of course, is why bother to get a job since i am going to be toast at armegeddon?
i should spend my time showing works that befit repentance...).
Before and after meetings: What was the conversational quality like?
by truthseeker ini have been in a number of different congregations over the years, and i have to say that the level of conversation i had with my fellow believers, with a few exceptions, was rather poor.. here are some 'opening' comments.. 1) nice to see you at the meeting.
- i never understood this.
can you imagine going to a company meeting and saying to your fellow worker, 'nice to see you at the meeting'?.
On the few occasions I accompanied my ex to his meetings, the women in the congregation swarmed me like freaking bees afterward. They were always soooooooooooo glad to see me, and sooooooooooooooo happy I came to the meeting, and would sooooooooooooooo love to have a Bible Study with me.............. What a bunch of fakes.
"Outstanding" response to conventions?
by expatbrit infrom wt media:
outstanding national response to "give god glory" conventions.
united states?jehovah's witnesses have successfully completed their series of "give god glory" district conventions for 2003 in the 48 contiguous states.
In my ex-husband's congregation, I don't know of a single individual who could calculate the percentages. They just see a bunch of big numbers and say "ooh!". ( I don't mean to stereotype - maybe this is just a particularly ignorant congregation. )
Hit Me With Some Snappy Comebacks Puleeeeeeeeze!!
by HadEnuf i'm invited to a baby shower for my daughter-in-law which will most likely be attended by myriads upon myriads of jw's.
i won't go into the nasty details...but they've been married four years now and have another little daughter...their wedding was boycotted by most jw's because she was not baptized yet (but grew up a jw)...and my son was.
so every since the wedding fiasco...they have been pretty much shunned by the jw's...and attend meetings infrequently.
Things Learned Along the Way
by blondie ini have collected sayings, homilies, whatever along the way that crystallize something bigger i learned.
i will post a few every day.
if you have one, please share it.. if you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas.. to belittle is to be little.. somewhere, i got the idea if i just took care of others, i would be taken care of.. blondie
"Indecision is a decision, and inevitably a bad one." -- unknown
Graduate Degree
by joelbear ini am seriously considering staying in school and going for my master's and maybe my doctorate.
its always been a dream of mine to have a doctorate degree.
like the fabor college slogan says: "knowledge is good.
Not only is knowledge good, it is POWER.
No Personal References for Job Interview...
by berylblue ini have professional references (need advice on that too) but, thanks to my rebellion against the true god and his organization, i have no personal references, having been df like i deserve.
(the question which begs asking, of course, is why bother to get a job since i am going to be toast at armegeddon?
i should spend my time showing works that befit repentance...).
Is someone asking you for personal references? When I was a HR Manager, I always checked professional references but I never checked personal references. Why would someone list a personal reference who was going to give bad information on them??
Medical question re: immune system, viruses, etc.
by cruzanheart inalright, all you smart people out there, help me out with this one: jackson (our 7-year-old) has tons of allergies, eczema, and occasional asthma.
in the past year or two it appears that he has become very susceptible to viruses.
a year and a half ago he got what the doctor diagnosed as a sinus infection and he was put on antibiotics.
Nina, my son is now 10 and he went through a period a few years ago similar to what you are describing. He is also asthmatic (as am I) and suffers from allergies. When he was 6/7, we went through a period of 6-8 months when it seemed he was just never well. As soon as he was off one antibiotic, he would start all over again with a fever, etc. The doctors seemed to finally realize that he didn't recover fully from the first virus (it was still in his system after the treatment w/antibiotics) so it would re-incubate after his medication was finished. This perpetual "sickness" did seem to lower his resistance to any and every "bug" that went around. Finally, they put him on something really strong (I think it started with a Z but I can't remember the name of the drug) and kept him on it for a longer time period than usual. He was eventually back to normal, but it took a while.
I hope Jackson is feeling better soon. Take care.
A serious sex thread (seriously)
by logansrun inso, i'm looking through some booklets at school (college, mind you) about sex and abstinence and all that good stuff.
seems like the department of health really promotes just holding hands and smiling at each other as opposed to mind blowing orgasms.
this got me wondering.
Someone told me once that sex is just like kissing, just with other body parts. As long as protection is used, what is really the difference between making out and doing the deed? It's all intimate.
Time For A Joke
by worldlygirl inthree sons left home, went out on their own and prospered.
getting back together, they discussed the gifts they were able to give their elderly mother.
the first said, "i built a big house for our mother.
Three sons left home, went out on their own and prospered. Getting back together, they discussed the gifts they were able to give their elderly Mother.
The first said, "I built a big house for our Mother." The second said, "I sent her a Mercedes with a driver." The third smiled and said, "I've got you both beat. You remember how Mom enjoyed reading the Bible? And you know she can't see very well any more. I sent her a remarkable parrot that recites the entire Bible. It took Elders in the church 12 years to teach him. He's one of a kind. Mama just has to name the chapter and verse, and the parrot recites it."
Soon thereafter, Mom sent out her letters of thanks: "Milton," she wrote one son, "the house you built is so huge. I live in only one room, but I have to clean the whole house."
"Gerald," she wrote to another, "I am too old to travel any more. My eyesight isn't what it used to be. I stay most of the time at home, so I rarely use the Mercedes. And the driver is so rude!"
"Dearest Donald," she wrote to her third son, "you have the good sense to know what your Mother likes. The chicken was delicious!"