hey just got back into work and i am checking out all of the post - and alot of what i was reading was that according to WTBS we shouldnt be on this website. ---------- and why are we on here posting and "hanging out" with apostates if according to our religion it is not allowed -------------- now this confuses me though........ because one of EX-JW's arguements against the WTBS is that they control all witnesses and that they dont let us thinking freely.---------- well now that me and swordofjah are thinking for ourselfs and coming onto these discussions-----------(NOT LISTENING TO WTBS ACCORDING TO MOST ON THIS DISCUSSION)---------- now your going to ridicule us for doing it? so make up your minds----either you want us to be on these sites and see the "LIGHT" or you dont want us on here because your affraid of what we might say that will make you think twice about the choice you have made about leaving the TRUTH. and for SPUNKYCHICK yeah ill give you a warm welcome too.---------------------CalamityJane, I would love to do target practice with ya! Bring it on gurl! Awww yeah! Outlaw, LMAO! You crack me up! SwordofJa, to quote the words of Limp Bizket and Method Man, "Just shut the f * *k up!* ------------------- ok you and others who post on this site surprise me because another one of the claims you make about WTBS is that they judge people and that they actually hate hate towards any non-witness -------- and again and again all i hear is hateful words towards us JW's - so whats going on? why if you have left the WTBS why havent you learned anybetter. becuase according to what everyone hear says..... WTBS is the one who has all this hate towards others. yet i only see hateful words coming from your post - ---------- and further more. see what the WTBS gives me that i wouldnt get from the world of so-called freedom that you guys speak of, is manners, eduacation, morals, yes morals. i havnt seen neither me nor sword of jah say one BAD word in any of our post. ------ but i can see that most of you have extended somewhat your vocabulary since you have left the truth. again. give more and more reassurance to me and swordofjah that we really are defending the truth.
JoinedPosts by TheTRUTH
by REALNESS init is my pleasure to announce i have terminated my membership of the jehovahs wittnesses.
i shall be formally making this statement known to my congregation at tomorrow nights meeting after i have taken the ministry school.
for many years i have developed my own thoughts on religion and this along with the information i have learned here and on other sites has convinced me that i can no longer live teaching the bollocks the wtbs.
by REALNESS init is my pleasure to announce i have terminated my membership of the jehovahs wittnesses.
i shall be formally making this statement known to my congregation at tomorrow nights meeting after i have taken the ministry school.
for many years i have developed my own thoughts on religion and this along with the information i have learned here and on other sites has convinced me that i can no longer live teaching the bollocks the wtbs.
And yet you do it. Are you immune to the dangers of apostacy so often highlighted by the Watchtower Society?
no i am not. but i wouldnt have been read your post. then all this brother would have to base himself on would be bad advise from EX-JW's so of course He's only going to get one side of it.
But you post on this site. How do you reconcile that fact with what you are taught about associating with apostates?
its funny how i have consistantly noticed that most apostates only focus on technicalities. yes... i do post on this site. but no since i am not an apostate, and i am in Jehovahs Organization Im not against him and his teachings.
That's their excuse for past failures, but try saying that their current teachings are flawed. See how long you remain in good standing
again i will mention that the people inside WTBS are not perfect. so of course they will say things that are not correct at times and untill we are in the new system of things no one will be able to run things perfectly. yet WTBS are the closest to the truth. thats why they back everything with the bible.
and to xjw_b12 - well im here giving scriptures and your response is....... well less than eduacated. and helps me in beleiving what defend. TheTruth
by REALNESS init is my pleasure to announce i have terminated my membership of the jehovahs wittnesses.
i shall be formally making this statement known to my congregation at tomorrow nights meeting after i have taken the ministry school.
for many years i have developed my own thoughts on religion and this along with the information i have learned here and on other sites has convinced me that i can no longer live teaching the bollocks the wtbs.
also.. have you spoken with any other brothers about your concerns - sometimes we fail to realize how satan has a way of trapping us - and without help its hard to get out of this mess.
by REALNESS init is my pleasure to announce i have terminated my membership of the jehovahs wittnesses.
i shall be formally making this statement known to my congregation at tomorrow nights meeting after i have taken the ministry school.
for many years i have developed my own thoughts on religion and this along with the information i have learned here and on other sites has convinced me that i can no longer live teaching the bollocks the wtbs.
well i can only say that reading post on this site is not the best thing you can do for your spirituallity - remember that even when jesus was here on earth people did not beleive him - even the jews denied him even coming - this is what this site is doing.
the people who post on this site are just like the people who tried to imprison jesus and falsely accused him. there is only one thing that everyone is right about on this website - THE BROTHERS IN THE WBTS OUR IMPERFECT - but imagine - if they make mistakes - imagine when your out in the world. do you think it will get better? THINK AGAIN.
Best wishes for you in the REAL WORLD - i hope it does go well for you. just remember what math. 7:13,14 and eph. 4:4,5 say about there is only one road to life - and what Matt. 24:3-14 and 2 Tim. 3:1-5 and Luke 17:26-30 where it talks about the "time of the end" -
did wt shut doors 9/11?
by topanga inis it true because all of those tunnels dinning rooms factories and supermarkets could be of great help to the community in a time of attack.
well i cant speak for everyones experiences ----------- im sure that in these troubled times there is alot going on that not everyone knows about ----------- im SURE that there are cases in which situations where not handled in the proper manner - same that happens in the world same that happens in everyother religion ----------- in the US judicial system a person is inicent untill proven guilty... am i right? should jehovahs orginization be any different -------------- im think it is awful for a child abuser to be hidden behind the walls of a religion - specially behind JW - ------------- the reason the GOD included mathew 18:15-17 is to avoid slandering --- to avoid false acusations ---------- beleive me there has been more than one person executed in the united states that was falsely convicted -------------- now for those of you who have suffered child abuse ---------- i do apologize if my words have sounded like if i didnt care -------- this was not my purpose ------------ i will give my experience with child abusers--------- MY father is an elder ------------- he has had more than one case (but not many, like people tend to beleive) with a child abuser ------- i can remember one of them in my hall - just one -------- which is already too many ---------- there were no witnesses to that CRIME - yet the brother was disfellowshiped ---------- the man was also reported to the state of california and he will always be registered as a child molester ------ yes for the res of his life -------------- he was convicted and served some kind of a sentence -(i cant remember how long)------------- needless to say that all that is said that the witnesses DONT do ----- WAS DONE -------------- now i cant speak for every congregation in the whole world - ---------------------i would like to say that right away if a child has been abused ------- it is the parents responsibility to CALL the POLICE - i know that regardless of what an elder - or district overseer would tell me - if my child had been abused by a person - the first place i would go would be the POLICE station ------------ see how that works............. I AS A FATHER AM LIABLE FOR MY OWN CHILDREN --------------- then i would tell the elders so that the matter can be delt with in a proper manner with in the congregation and that person can be disciplined withing GOD LAW - now - i dont know if any of you EX-JW's know that once someone has been clasified as a child abuser in the orginization that person can no longer have any prevlidges FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE - much like in the real world - where a sex affender has a hard time finding a job - ALSO HE IS NOT ALLOWED TO PREACH ALONE OR BE ALONE WITH LITTLE KIDS ------- meaning that the society does take measures to unsure that it will not happen again - ITS VERY HARD TO BELEIVE THAT ANY PERSON WITNESS OR NOT WOULD KNOWLY WANT TO HARBOR CRIMINALS SPECIALLY CHILD ABUSERS -------- is there cases that we not treated correctly? im sure there is. ----------- remember the orginization is PERFECT but not the HUMANS WHO ARE IN IT. there for there will be things that go wrong.
did wt shut doors 9/11?
by topanga inis it true because all of those tunnels dinning rooms factories and supermarkets could be of great help to the community in a time of attack.
I LOVE HOW JEHOVAH HELPS IN ALL SITUATIONS. ------------- i am including scriptures in my comments and now there is alot less said. not too many responses. because how can you argue with the bible. - ballistic - would you know what you know now if you would not have been a pioneer?
did wt shut doors 9/11?
by topanga inis it true because all of those tunnels dinning rooms factories and supermarkets could be of great help to the community in a time of attack.
IN RESPONSE TO THIS--------------:According to your theory the JWs should be well suited to organize aid and deliver aid to the masses without having to worry about their own folks overly benefitting from it...Eh...gimme some proff of JW philanthropy will ya? Sincerely, District Overbeer-----------------THIS MIGHT HELP ANSWER THE QUESTION:-----------Disaster Relief Since World War II, Jehovah's Witnesses have organized relief efforts to help fellow members and others who suffer the effects of war, natural disasters, or other calamities. Their experience in organizing and managing large numbers of people at their Kingdom Hall building projects and annual conventions contributes to their success in this regard. Often they are the first relief agency to appear on the scene. When Hurricane Andrew devastated a Florida, U.S.A., community in 1992, Jehovah's Witnesses quickly organized themselves to deal with the situation. "About 3,000 Witness volunteers from across the country have converged on the disaster area, first to help their own, then to help others," said an article in The Miami Herald. It also stated that "no one in Homestead is slamming doors on the Jehovah's Witnesses this week—even if they still have doors to slam." After the 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan, non-Witnesses channeled relief supplies through congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses because this was the fastest way to get supplies to those in need. Following the 1994 tragedy in Rwanda, Witnesses in Belgium, France, and Switzerland contributed more than $1.6 million and sent 35 tons of supplies to both their Christian brothers and others—all within six days of receiving a call for help. Jehovah's Witnesses donate needed materials and volunteer their services without pay. They do so in response to the Bible's commands to love their neighbor and to have intense love for one another.—Matthew 22:39; 1 Peter 4:8.
did wt shut doors 9/11?
by topanga inis it true because all of those tunnels dinning rooms factories and supermarkets could be of great help to the community in a time of attack.
ANYONE ELSE WANT MORE SCRIPTURES? PLEASE READ. ANSWER TO MOST OF YOUR COMMENTS: Do the Witnesses believe that their religion is the only right one? Anyone who is serious about his religion should think that it is the right one. Otherwise, why would he or she be involved in it? Christians are admonished: "Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine." (1 Thessalonians 5:21) A person should make sure that his beliefs can be supported by the Scriptures, for there is only one true faith. Ephesians 4:5 confirms this, mentioning "one Lord, one faith, one baptism." Jesus did not agree with the modern, relaxed view that there are many roads, many religions, all leading to salvation. Instead, he said: "Narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it." Jehovah's Witnesses believe that they have found it. Otherwise, they would look for another religion.—Matthew 7:14
did wt shut doors 9/11?
by topanga inis it true because all of those tunnels dinning rooms factories and supermarkets could be of great help to the community in a time of attack.
CELIA I HAVE VISITED THE SILENTLAMBS.COM WEBSITE. VERY SAD TO SEE BROTHERS MISLEAD IN THAT WAY. Why do many oppose Jehovah's Witnesses and tell me not to study with them? There was opposition to Jesus' preaching, and he said that his followers also would be opposed. When some were impressed with Jesus' teaching, religious opposers retorted: "You have not been misled also, have you? Not one of the rulers or of the Pharisees has put faith in him, has he?" (John 7:46-48; 15:20) Many who advise you not to study with the Witnesses are either uninformed or prejudiced.
did wt shut doors 9/11?
by topanga inis it true because all of those tunnels dinning rooms factories and supermarkets could be of great help to the community in a time of attack.
YES I DID BROADEN the conversation didnt i - but funny how there is no straight answer to my questions? just....... "keep reading" "keep investigation and find out for yourself" "be open minded" - i have not yet mentioned for any of you to go to the meetings to find out the truth. why? becuase the truth lies with-in the bible. so... no answers to my questions. i could get out of this discussion . but then that would make it too easy for all you to not have to answer my questions. but i would not get frustrated if no one answered them. i would just realize that everyone is just blowing smoke in this website.