Witnesses break the rules for me which i found very interesting. My dad often said to me its just as hard for those who arent disfellowshipped because they want you back and want to talk to you.
I had to sit through 3 days of silence and being alone in a stadium full of 1000's of people because of being disfellowshiped ... and yet if i saw someone i knew as i wondered the grounds they would all acknowledge me some nodded others shook my hand and some touch my shoulder and said a few words like "well done" or "dont give up"
even at my own hall ive had sisters follow me out and hug me expressing they know how hard it is. ive had several brothers shake my hand or outright ask how i am infront of others which made me feel more awkward then anything like i was breaking the rules instead of them...
when i was first disfellowshipped i had an elder follow me out and ask how i was doing once or twice.
hall is different, as is peoples relationships with one another. some
are knee jerk and strict, others bend the rules. either way it is hard
for all and just a sad situation to live through.