The only point to ever go to your JC is if you're seriously considering trying to get back in. There really isn't a point other than that because you're not going to talk any sense into them, they're not there to listen, they're there to council you and interrogate you and put you on trial. It's a one sided discussion and not worth your time or trouble if you have no intention of ever going back.
Some folks might want to try to get some audio or video with the intent of posting it on youtube or something as a record if you will to show others how wacko it can get. To each his own I suppose.
In my own experience, I don't even know if they df'd me or not. If they tried to set up a meeting or anything. Never sent a letter, never went back for any reason. I did more than fade I vanished. I know that isn't an option for most, but it worked well for me.