"How far will they try to take this is anybody's guess as the goings get tuffer for the GB the more wacko they will get trying to keep alive the delusion till it finally falls to pieces(nightmare stage of wishful thinking).
Christopher Booker described wishful thinking in terms of
- “the fantasy cycle” ... a pattern that recurs in personal lives, in politics, in history – and in storytelling. When we embark on a course of action which is unconsciously driven by wishful thinking, all may seem to go well for a time, in what may be called the “dream stage”. But because this make-believe can never be reconciled with reality, it leads to a “frustration stage” as things start to go wrong, prompting a more determined effort to keep the fantasy in being. As reality presses in, it leads to a “nightmare stage” as everything goes wrong, culminating in an “explosion into reality”, when the fantasy finally falls apart. [1]"
- This fact saddens and, to an extent, frightens me... I have LOADS of people in that I truly care about, and it scares me to think what possible dangers might lay ahead of them. Whether it be mental anguish or physical, who knows? I just hope this façade comes crashing down sooner than later.