Danger Witness Robinson! Danger!!!

by Marvin Shilmer 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Danger Witness Robinson! Danger!!!

    Today I added a new article to my blog highlighting the danger of power consolidation along with an overt attempt to ready millions for obeying irrational direction from this power. Jehovah’s Witnesses are in danger.

    My article is titled Danger Witness Robinson! Danger!!! and is available at: http://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2013/08/danger-witness-robinson-danger.html

    Anyone willing to overtly suggest a community should ready itself to obey directions that are unsound to the human mind is irrational. Irrational men hurt people. It’s that simple.

    Watchtower’s 8-man Governing Body is preparing to have Jehovah’s Witnesses obey instruction that will lead to their injury.

    Marvin Shilmer


  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    As always, Good stuff Marvin.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Thank you Marvin. This is indeed an important message to get out there.

    The July 15, 2013 Watchtower is beyond reason. It is dangerous.

    I am glad you have it on your Blog and hope other Blogger's will as well.

    Just Lois


    That's scary, but they have said something similar many times before. I am keeping my eye on them, but I honestly don't see another Jonestown/kool-aid fest happening. I see fallout from Child abuse cases causing issues with the D2D work. Perhaps the sheep will be told to go talk to their neighbors in the face of real danger. Nothing would suit the WTBTS more than some good ol' fashioned mob justice in the USA.

    Also, we have to consider the fact that the WTBTS is everywhere. Who knows what's happening in other countries. They may experience zero problems in the USA, but big issues somewhere else. It seems like a generic scare tactic. Nu-light last year, now the 8 Dukes, and Obey the Elders. It makes the sheeple think that this time something is really going to happen! This is the big one! It's a win-win for the GB. They like to cover all the bases. Like I said, I am keeping my eye on them.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    must be ready to obey any instructions they receive, whether these instructions appear sound from a human standpoint or not.’

    I would speculate Jim Jones voiced similar words just before he convinced 900 people to commit suicide.

    Good article, Marvin. Thanks.

    [edit] DD: to your point, I'm not suggesting WT would ask JWs to commit suicide. This new directive does, however, make a rational person wonder what WT is priming JWs to do.

  • tornapart

    If they do come out with something irrational it may make a lot of sleeping dubs wake up.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Excellent excerpts and footnotes Marvin.

    I don't have access to WT Library while I'm at work on break, but have you looked for a particularly damning quote from an old WT or Awake! re: Jim Jones? Something along the lines of "putting our trust in a human who claims to have Divine backing is a dangerous course"?

    If such a quote can be found, it would be extra powerful right next to the this latest pre-Koolaid conditioning article.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    w79 5/15 p. 5 Is Your Trust in God . . . Or in a Man?


    There is no question that the Jonestown tragedy was a case of the blind leading the blind and both falling into a pit. (Matt. 15:14) The entire episode underscores the wisdom of Jesus’ command not to exalt men. No doubt many of those who followed Jones had at one time belonged to the various denominations of Christendom. But they were allured by this self-proclaimed messiah who had a vision of a socialist paradise. Well has this horrible episode been described as "an appalling demonstration of the way in which a charismatic leader can bend the minds of his followers with a devilish blend of professed altruism and psychological tyranny."

  • scotoma


    I don't see anything upsetting about this.

    You have to put it into context.

    They are describing an emergency situation. And they have defined the specific situation in the article saying "At that time..."

    What time? If you read the article they are talking about their long anticipated "great tribulation" which begins with some kind of peace proclamation that is different from the so-called previous proclamations.

    The "disgusting thing standing where it shouldn't" has also been fairly ambiguous but they now have stated that it will be an all out attack on false religions which they think is Babylon the Great.

    By these requirements they are saying that the Peace Proclamation will be identified by the the attack on Religion that quickly follows it. A peace proclamation that isn't followed by an attack on false religion would just be the run-of-the-mill cries for peace that are too familiar.

    These are pretty big speed bumps before they invoke the "listen to us or you'll die" red code alert.

    And face it. If there were an actual Peace Proclamation followed by an attack on false relgion by the United Nations you too might be inclined to listen to their direction although begrudgingly.

    Don't worry though. This would be the first time they ever got anything right.

  • whathappened

    Very succinctly put, Marvin. The Watchtower should know better than to put this in writting. This just shows how power mad they are.


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