That'll work; Thanks so much. Here's a preview of one of my new Tough Questions (though it's just going to be a general question and not necessarily a "Tough Question")
Door to Door the most effective method
When I asked my Tough Question about it being a mathematical impossibility to reach everyone on Earth with the door to door work I kept getting the response that "the door to door work is the most effective way of reaching people". I figured I'd research this, now given I don't have all the statistics but I figured I'd look a couple things up. I picked a country not only because it was the first statistics I found on the opposite end of the coin but also because it is a decidedly muslim country. So we end up with the Philippians, here's some facts.
Now we're testing the argument that going door to door is the most effective way of reaching people, so I figured I'd compare it with another method of preaching... A TV show. Now this isn't a combined statistic of an entire channel, or multiple shows this is off of ONE SHOW, the 700 Club. Yeah Crazy Ol' Pat Robertson's show. Off of that show alone in July of 2011 they posted a result of 13,800 people converting to Christianity from an overwhelmingly Muslim country.
Now I don't have the exact statistics for Jehovah's Witnesses in July but here's some statistics for you. In the year of 2009 there were 162,647 publishers in the Philippians. Now that's not all baptized those are just people preaching, so technically not all converted. In 2010 the Philippians boasted 171,910 publishers. We're going to assume that this isn't due to children coming of age or anything to do with a natural population growth we're going to assume that indeed every single one of this increase is due to the preaching work. So what that means is that in the entire year of 2010 there was an increase of 9,263. So an entire year of the door to door preaching work could not boast the numbers in a single month of ONE Christian television show.
This is admittedly a tough territory, this is an overwhelmingly muslim country with alot of out of the way places that are difficult to reach that might not even have television reception. I'm imagining numbers in other countries would reflect even larger numbers. Given this information and these statistics could you explain to me how exactly door to door work is more effective in the Philippians than a simple Television show?