Posts by Zoos
People, it really is this simple
by Trevor Scott inwhat will guide us in choosing the right religion?
the encyclopdia universalis is correct when it highlights the importance of truth.
a religion that teaches lies cannot be true.
A funny thing that happened to me today!!!
by mouthy ini went to the drug store to pick up my pills,.
a beautiful black boy!
was cleaning the windows.a very old lady passed by him.
"Your smile is so encouraging for oldens like her & I, & you have a wonderful heart to go out of your way to be so kind"
He said "THANK YOU!!!! I am one of Jehovahs Witnesses"
"I have a wonderful heart because I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses."
"I am nice to people because I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses."
You can't really fault a 20 yo for regurgitating the slime he's been fed his whole life, but even in my most indoctrinated state I never concluded my acts of kindness or humanity toward others was the result of being one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I was always pretty sure I was just a decent guy.
The boy responded according to the script. The script, on the other hand, reeks of polishing the outside of the cup. Being a Jehovah's Witness is at the root of kindness, humanity, or simple good nature?
Oh, good lord!
Identify Satan by using the Watchtower 2013 Nov.15
by jwstudy ini read the recent study article, then i understand how to identify satan.. wt2013 nov. 15 p.6.
"satan is merciless and often strikes us.
when we are weak.
I've been surprised to learn how accurately (and how often) the literature ends up describing the governing body or the organization in general while attempting to demonize some worldly group or element. They are so blind to their own behavior they just don't get it.
Do You Think It Possible That A Member Of Governing Body Would Ever Commit Suicide Because Of The Pain From Cognitive Dissonance?
by frankiespeakin ini think as things get real tuff for the governing body that the build up of stress from dealing with a corporation founded on lies and manipulation of people that is comming to a head and all the lawsuits and possible criminal prosecution and the day today pressure of having all your decision back fire on you.. the final stage of wishful thinking is the nightmare stage where the whole delusion falls apart..
i'm thinking just like hitler killed himself rather than face life anymore, that some on the gb may reach that stage..
If I understand the meaning of "cognitive dissonance" correctly, it is triggered by at least a hint of moral or reflective equalibrium.
I believe the governing body is devoid of this characteristic.
I am completely offended that they insist that their circumstances are similar to African Americans.
Discrimination is discrimination is discrimination.
No one needs to know who you choose to sleep with.
Gay people could not agree more. So it begs the question, "Why are you (religion/politicians) sticking your nose into their bedrooms?
It's kind of obvious that I'm black when I show up for a job interview or apply for a mortgage at a bank.
It's also kind of obvious when one walks down the street holding hands with their bf/gf/spouse. It's also kind of obvious when someone makes a casual reference about their bf/gf/spouse. Should gays deny themselves these precious moments to avoid your hate? If you could, would you really try to hide your skin from others?
For all their jumping up and down about their rights to do this, what about my right to not have to hear about or see it?
I think we have the Watchtower organization and it’s many Supreme Court victories to thank for the right of the people to be in your face without your permission. Capeesh?
Do you believe God is using the governing body to lead his organization?
by Zoos inwere familiar with the statements about how a persons claim to be anointed is between that god and the individual.. the governing body went on to say: "a number of factorsincluding past religious beliefs or even mental or emotional imbalancemight cause some to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling.
we thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know.
the governing body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones.
We’re familiar with the statements about how a person’s claim to be anointed is between that God and the individual.
The governing body went on to say: "A number of factors—including past religious beliefs or even mental or emotional imbalance—might cause some to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling. We thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know. The Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones." - Question From Readers, w2011 8/15 p. 22
If the governing body has no way of identifying the anointed and admits they have no need to identify them, if there is such a cloud of suspicion surrounding the mental health of those claiming to have the heavenly hope…
Why do the lowly earth dwellers not enjoy the same lack of responsibility for identifying these people?
Jehovah Witnesses favor 'Babylon the Great' 'We had favour with the Jehovah's Witnesses. They wanted to give it to a faith-based organisation.'
by Sol Reform in witnesses sell, elim buysscott morganlast updated 05:00 05/09/2013 share great view: the elim churchs new premises in wattle downs was formerly the jehovahs witnesses new zealand headquarters.scott morganbig space: pastor boyd ratnaraja and his wife sharon show off the space where elim churchs new soup kitchen will be located.scott morganhard work: volunteers set up the churchs new op was the national headquarters for the jehovah's witnesses for 30 years.
but the 7.5ha wattle downs property has now been sold to elim church and could soon house a new christian college.
jehovah's witness minister george gray says advances in technology mean the property is no longer needed for running the church's new zealand and south pacific activities which will now be administered from australia.
You had the same thought, JWdaughter. The church will [be] running counselling sessions and operating an op shop and a weekly soup kitchen. "We believe in reaching out to the community. We want this to be a centre of hope. People don't have to be Christians," Mr Ratnaraja says. Not only will they be using the facility in a way that was never intended by it's builders, it will open those services up to people who do not bow before their theocratic order. Finally!... a faith-based tenant.
Gay MS??
by andysmiles inabout me, i am being raised in a jw family.
all of my family expect for one aunt, who had left but not disfellowedshiped thankly, are in jw.
my father is an elder and so is my grandfather.
Andy, I wish your story was unique. But it's not.
Watching your peers date, marry and enjoy life while you're left to hear how disgusting YOU are for existing is about all you have to look forward to in the WT organization. It's very isolating and very self-destructive if you allow yourself to remain in that environment.
YOU SAID: When we had some from the hall for supper all the older men talked about how digesting it is that "homosexuals can marry now."
It absolutely amazes me that these people; elders, parents, "friends", talk about homosexuals as if there couldn't possibly be one within earshot. I got in a heated discussion with my mother a few years ago and told her how much it hurt growing up with parents calling me names like, "filthy", "abomination", and "pervert". Of course she denied ever having called me those names.
But I knew who they were talking about.
Andy, you have been isolated your whole life. You need to know you're not alone.
Young man walks out of Glasgow convention and commits suicide
by jambon1 inlast weekend.
so unbelievably sad.
Some of my deepest depressions were triggered at district and circuit assemblies. I would go back to the hotel and rock back and forth with a pillow on the bed, knowing I could never measure up to those upstanding examples that were paraded on stage.
Little did I know then...
Very sad news.
We are (not) representatives of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society
by VM44 inat one time jws were issued minister identification cards such as the s-65 in which it is officially stated that the bearer "is a representative of the watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania.. now, the watchtower specifically tells the publishers not to say they are representatives of the watchtower!.
when did this 180 degree change take place?.
here is the text that appears on the front of the s-65 "minister identification card.".
All this time I understood that my dedication and baptism identified me as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization? " - (WBTS)