jgnat, ranting online would be an...
so as not hijack a thread on someone who found this site as a recommended place to vent, i just want to make a few things clear to newer ones here:.
first if you wish to "vent", we prefer to see pictures of your vent (vent selfies are fine).. if you use the term "invent" (in vent) then we understand that to mean things you (or a close friend) are putting in your vent.. when you refer to "inventory" (invent ory) we understand that to mean the specific items you are inventing, or putting in your vent.. the word "reinvent" here means inventory items that you find pleasurable to invent over and over again.. if in doubt, just remember the expression "don't reinvent the wheel".
in other words, don't waste your time sticking a wheel in your vent.. hope this helps the newer ones here.. rub a dub.
jgnat, ranting online would be an...
i went to watch my niece's orchestra recital last night.
i knew my parents were coming, and was pleasantly surprised to see my jw sister and niece were there also.
i don't think my family realized (nor did i) that this was a christian homeschool music program.
EDIT: Nevermind
so as not hijack a thread on someone who found this site as a recommended place to vent, i just want to make a few things clear to newer ones here:.
first if you wish to "vent", we prefer to see pictures of your vent (vent selfies are fine).. if you use the term "invent" (in vent) then we understand that to mean things you (or a close friend) are putting in your vent.. when you refer to "inventory" (invent ory) we understand that to mean the specific items you are inventing, or putting in your vent.. the word "reinvent" here means inventory items that you find pleasurable to invent over and over again.. if in doubt, just remember the expression "don't reinvent the wheel".
in other words, don't waste your time sticking a wheel in your vent.. hope this helps the newer ones here.. rub a dub.
You mind if I vent?
my taste in music is pretty eclectic.
i was listening to some andrea bocelli this afternoon and found this on youtube.. .
oh my god!!!.
LOL Talesin, that's either Paul Schaffer or a very strong Schaffer wannabe!
my taste in music is pretty eclectic.
i was listening to some andrea bocelli this afternoon and found this on youtube.. .
oh my god!!!.
mgmelkat, that was really nice.
my taste in music is pretty eclectic.
i was listening to some andrea bocelli this afternoon and found this on youtube.. .
oh my god!!!.
My taste in music is pretty eclectic. I was listening to some Andrea Bocelli this afternoon and found this on YouTube.
What do you like?
i came across this article today and really appreciated it's positive message; and so i wanted to share a few choice excerpts that i thought were particularly relevant for this group:.
7 things remarkably happy people do often1.
make good friends - make real friends.
Oubliette, I noticed this on Yahoo News earlier today. I'm glad you posted it.
My favorite line under the Pursue Goals heading was this:
Goals you don't pursue aren't goals, they're dreams, and dreams only make you happy when you're dreaming.
it will give you an understanding of the watchtower you did not have.. .
marked... and considering
was just wondering how many gay exjw's were on this site, and how did you deal with being in this organization?
and also, how did you end up leaving?.
I noticed that same phenomenon with the heterosexuals, Heartofaboy. No matter how much they threw themselves into 'spiritual' activities god didn't change them into homosexuals...........they remained STRAIGHT. I suspect that is because they were already exactly the way God intended them - - - AND US - - - to be.
gma-tired2 - it wasn't God doing the hate teachings. If there had been any truth to the anti-gay message W H A T S O E V E R, then holy spirit would have caused a fundamental shift of our innermost sexual desires, orientation - in the same way holys spirit causes a fundamental change in personality.
For a person to be taught like a monkey to jump through the hoop of an unnatural, opposite sex relationship and then trained like a parrot to say how much he loves his life now, hardly describes a change of sexual orientation. It only means that people can be manipulated in grotesque and obscene ways and convinced of its properness. It also shows the lengths people will go to demonstrate their love for God, having been duped into believing that THAT is what He wanted from them.
It's a ruse.
I wonder how many hetero people have entertained what it would mean for them to enter into a same-sex relationship just so God would love them. They have no idea what they have put us through.
i went to a small non-denominational church yesterday - first time in a church since i left the borg 4 years ago - and this is how i observed several of the members singing.. .
boy... do those people love to sing.. .
i try not to judge the sincerity of others but i was a little put off by the experience because it looked fake, showy display-ish.
jws, I'm having the same reaction to the entire experience that you just described.
I understand it's going to be a different experience. For crying out loud, it's not a kingdom hall... it's not WATCHTOWER. But it has to not feel fake. Too much of what I observed felt.... showy.
And as far as doctrine goes I am resigned to the fact that there is nowhere I can go where I'll find a message 100% in line with my understanding of things. Ergo, Christian freedom. Unlike at a kingdom hall, I have the right to take what I want and leave the rest. Trinity, hellfire... not a problem. I don't feel obligated to swallow it or face a judicial committee or the threat of destruction at armageddon.
I've decided to give it one more chance to hit me right. I read My Christian Quest - From Jehovah's Witness to Son of God, by Ronald E. Frye (former circuit overseer). He talked about his experience in joining a small church after he left the organization and I decided to give it a try based on his recommendation.
We'll see what happens.