Looks like a great idea. I hope someone latches on to this who can translate.
Posts by Zoos
Great campagne in Portugal (ex-JW)
by TJ Curioso ini like to tell you what we've been doing these past few days here in portugal (ex-jw).
we create a brochure and printing, so we can send to the maximum of congregations in portugal.
some individuals were also covered in this campaign.. the title of the pamphlet is: "when will the kingdom arrive?".
by The Searcher inevery time i submit the following update to wikipeda - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/kingdom_hall#funding - some poor deluded individual/s keeps deleting.. i wonder who it could be?????????.
"as of may 2014, the funding of kingdom hall construction around the world has changed, as per the instructions of the governing body's letter to all congregations, downloadable from this link - http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/279067/1/2014-03-29-boe-confidentials-pdf-adjustment-to-financing-kingdom-hall-and-assembly-hall-construction-worldwide.
the previous form of funding was facilitated by entirely by voluntary donations.
Does WIKI just delete without explanation? No reference to a TOS violation? Anything?
the green mile?
by sparrowdown injust wondering.. do you agree/disagree with capital punishment?.
are there any circumstances that would justify it?.
or is taking any human life unacceptable, regardless of the crime?.
One day thru genetics or other means we will have better remedies for such rare offenses, maybe an injection or implant to modify behavior and bring the offending party to a better condition through a better understanding of human nature
If some creep came into your home, raped your wife and daughters, slit their throats and left with a grin on his face, would behavior modification satisfy your sense of justice? (Feel free to call it revenge.)
I have no problem with the death penalty.
30th Anniversary of THAT classic 1914 WT front cover
by wizzstick in.
please join with me, and celebrate the 30th anniversary of the classic wt with the front cover which boldly proclaimed that the generation of 1914 would never pass away.. the cover date of the that wt is infact this very day so let us raise a glass to this clear sign they have god's backing:.
in this the 100th anniversary of our lords return (invisibly of course brothers) it is a fine and appropriate thing to do..
Saw this thread, downloaded the picture, hit *print*, and wrote: Happy 30th Anniversary! on it right before I ran out the door for work this morning. Stopped by my old Kingdom Hall and slipped it in the door.
I'm pretty sure my little tract had about the same lifespan as theirs do... but it felt great. The whole experience went well with coffee.
Thanks for the idea.
If your not baptized in the name of the father, son and holy spirit. was your baptism official
by goingthruthemotions inmatt 28:19 "go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit,.
i don't ever remember hearing at my baptism nor any other baptism of a jw.
the person giving the baptism talk or person doing the dunking saying that i/we are baptized in the name of the father, son and holy spirit.. so i have come to the conclusion that my/our baptism's are not official.
Honesty: The JW baptism has been based on legalities since 1985 so the society doesn't incur liability when your relatives follow rules and regulations instead of following Jesus' example of love.
What if you were baptized before 1985 - before the new baptismal questions? Would there be grounds for a lawsuit then? People keep saying that religions are protected from lawsuits stemming from doctrinal issues, but on the flipside, they say WT changed it's questions to protect itself legally. What gives?
Goingthruthemotions, I base my baptism on what was in my heart at the time I was baptized. No other person or policy is involved. I knew what it meant to me and that's what it still means.
Watchtower Really Does Totally Take The Position of Jesus
by OnTheWayOut inwatchtower has said that jesus is not the mediator of anyone but for the anointed.
then they tell you that they are jehovah's organization and that the flock should obey them.. basically, the watchtower corp. and it's governing body is taking the place of jesus as the mediator for people.
christianity, even by it's name, focuses on making jesus known.
This is one of the many light bulb that went off AFTER I found my way out of the org. While still in, I never knew there was a teaching that Jesus only died for the annointed, and I considered myself a reasonably good student of all things Watchtower. Guess I wasn't as tuned in as I thought. Then I was gobsmacked when statements like this were brought to my attention:
"... come to Jehovah’s organization for salvation" - w81, 11/15, p.21 par.18
Great topic, OTWO
Scientists Warn of Rising Oceans as Antarctic Ice Melts
by bohm inthe collapse of large parts of the ice sheet in west antarctica appears to have begun and is almost certainly unstoppable, with global warming accelerating the pace of the disintegration, two groups of scientists reported monday.. the finding, which had been feared by some scientists for decades, means that a rise in global sea level of at least 10 feet may now be inevitable.
the rise may continue to be relatively slow for at least the next century or so, the scientists said, but sometime after that it will probably speed up so sharply as to become a crisis.. this is really happening, said thomas p. wagner, who runs nasas programs on polar ice and helped oversee some of the research.
theres nothing to stop it now.
Those people from NASA don't know what they're talking about. Rush Limbaugh said so.
Strike 3 for the elderette and me! (???) I never heard a JW talk SO much about Jesus!
by Faithful Witness inmiss k and her friend miss w arrived promptly today.
our scheduled topic of discussion: jesus' claim to be "the way, the truth and the life..." john 14:6 since she was basing this topic choice on the fact that i had quoted that verse, i'm not sure why... she spent what seemed like a very long time, hopping through scriptures that all said that jesus was the truth, the way, or the life.
ok, so we agreed... i kept waiting for her to get to a point, or sway from this principle.. of course, she summed up with scriptures that show how jesus submits to the father, and what does that mean we should do?
This is an extraordinary example of a JW's trained synaptic response.
Matthew 6:1-5 was read to set the tone of the subject matter; Making a display of one's gifts to God.
Questions were asked:
"Why do you write down and keep track of all your work, then turn it in to be recognized by men? "
"Why do you report your hours, if not for recognition?"
Statement made:
"GOD is keeping track... let's look here, it says..."
There can be no doubt the flavor of the conversation has been established and yet when this simple question is asked, "What happens if you don't turn in a time card at the end of the month?", the notion implied is so incomprehensible that the sister couldn't wrap her mind around it.
"They would just call me and get my hours from me. Nothing would HAPPEN!"
Look! It was very good or: Evil in the Animal Kingdom
by TheOldHippie ini have fed a number of birds regularly thru winter, and among the species were some doves.
this spring, two of them took a liking for each other and teamed up.
for a couple of weeks, extensive construction work was jointly done and resulted in a nice little nest, undoubtedly a cosy home for the small family which expected to multiply.
And so goes the circle of life.
Just like God designed it.
Missing my Mom
by exwhyzee inshe and my dad brought us to the u.s. from ireland in hopes of giving the 4 of us kids a better life with more opportunities.. mom went to school in her village where her mother (my grandmother) was the teacher and the bible was part of the curriculum.
they even used the name jehovah.
her father was a plymouth brethern (think amish or quaker) who was shunned for the rest of his life for marrying my grandmother who wasn't "in the lord"...she belonged to church of ireland.. when the witnesses came to the door after we arrived in the u.s, mom was a shoe-in candidate for their recruitment.
That's a great tribute to mom and dad. Sorry you're feeling down.
"Keep your pecker up!"