... because he has renounced his cult membership and is now a member of Jehovah’s Witness.
man kills sister over plot of land published on july 18, 2014 by pmnews 17 comments.
sulaimon mojeed-sanni.
a member of the eiye confraternity and jehovahs witness, adeola omotayo, 28, has killed his sister, omotayo rukayat adedapo, 30, after a minor disagreement over a plot of land.. the incident happened at rukayats residence, 22, pasoku street, aga area of ikorodu, lagos, southwest nigeria.. preliminary investigation revealed that rukayat was murdered in her room by her brother, who sells building materials at sawmill in itamaga, on monday at about 6 p.m., after they had an argument over the ownership of the piece of land.. p.m.news gathered that the night before the murder (sunday), adeola and his wife had visited rukayat and eaten in her house.. friends of the deceased said adeola only visited to know where his sister stays since they had not been talking to each other in the last two years.. late omotayo rukayat adedapo.
... because he has renounced his cult membership and is now a member of Jehovah’s Witness.
Okay all you sissies... ON YOUR KNEES!
a friend sent me this link, so i watched it.
it's a bit hard to watch.
some truly evil shit goes on in the catholic church, and somehow they think pope francis is going to change that.
From the video: "Intimidation is not part of the strategy, it IS the strategy."
i'm at starbucks .
just outside in the courtyard.. i'm trembling.
my hands are shaking.. wow!.
It RATTLES me how impervious to reason a modern day JW is---even a DF'd one!
Once upon a time, weren't we all?
I think it rattles me to realize how impervious I was.
the annual meeting of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses will be in october 2014.. .. in november 2013, just after the last one they published this now famous statement in the 15th of november 2013 watchtower page 16 paragraph 17 says:.
"at that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from jehovahs organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.".
Hamsterbait: I think it is either the blood or partaking.
That would be awesome.
For a few weeks after I disassociated my mother would still talk on the phone with me... briefly. Then one day I sent her a letter inviting her to join me in my home to commemorate the Lord's meal where we would also partake. That's when she went full shun and I haven't seen nor spoken with her since.
as you all may know, it is an ongoing project to translate jwfacts to spanish.
given that there are more than 2 spanish-speaking jw's for every one that speaks english, it can be safely said that spanish is the #1 language in the jw world (even though everything is made originally in english).. the spanish-speaking jw's are harder to convince.
i attribute it almost 100% to socioeconomic factors.
Perfect timing. I have been corresponding with a guy in Mexico who has been contacted by JWs. He's been picking my brain about the but our correspondence has been run through google translate and sometimes that doesn't do so well.
It will be nice to have a place to send him for more information.
if you read the chapter 23 of the book of 1 kings, you will note that josiah was one of best kings of judah.
he did many good things in favor to yahweh-worshipping.
let's read:.
"God has commanded me to make haste. Cease opposing God, who is with me, lest he destroy you .”
The bible doesn't say that God was supporting Neco. NECO said that God was supporting Neco.
Just like the bible doesn't say that Jehovah God and Jesus Christ have complete confidence in the faithful and discreet slave. The F&DS say that.
I can hear lovely kingdom music in the background as a warm voice explains how Jehovah's happy people are enthusiastically engaged in the clean-up work after God's fearsome day of vengeance.
"We warned them brothers. Didn't we warn them?"
please spare a moment to consider the difiiculties faced by gay jehovahs witnesses.
i was raised and baptised as a very serious jw.
every waking moment of my day was lived for jehovahs and his organization and for nothing else.
And let's not forget our lesbian sisters who have gone through the exact same thing.
Nice summary, Truthwillsetyoufree. My life growing up as a gay JW was very similar. Sometimes it makes me so angry to think about the ridiculousness of it all that I often find myself not interested in talking about it. It's behind me and I want it to stay there.
Then I remember there are always younger people going through it that need to know they are not alone.
three days ago we mixed up the recipe and sprayed the driveway cracks and several places where the weeds have been hard to get rid of.. today the weeds are dead just like when we've sprayed commercial weed killer.. mix one gallon white vinegar, 1 cup salt, 5 to 6 tablespoons of dawn dishwashing liquid.
note: don't spray if it's fixin' to rain, wait for dry weather so the stuff will stay on the weeds.
and don't spray where you want anything to grow ever!.
Heaven: If I just 'paint' this on the leaves of the plants instead of 'spray' do you think I can then plant grass seed later? Maybe I'll just test a small spot.
We often paint the leaves of an encroaching species on our putting greens at the golf course. If you have a stoloniferous turf (bermuda, creeping bent, zoysia) you won't need to reseed. Just give it a few days or weeks to fill in, depending on how large the invasive patch.
Doing a small test spot is always a good idea.