Translating JWFacts to Spanish... Update?

by ILoveTTATT 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT


    As you all may know, it is an ongoing project to translate jwfacts to Spanish. Given that there are more than 2 Spanish-speaking JW's for every one that speaks English, it can be safely said that Spanish is the #1 language in the JW world (even though everything is made originally in English).

    The Spanish-speaking JW's are harder to convince. I attribute it almost 100% to socioeconomic factors. But they deserve the right to that information, and the information is fragmented at best. True, there is information out there, but not in one site like jwfacts. One blog may have an amazing article on Russell and the pyramids and another blog will have an amazing article on 607 vs 587...

    Anyways... I am translating the Blood article and I am 33 pages out of 37 finished. It is my goal to finish translating this article today.

    I suggest the site to have a domain named

    verdad = truth

    tj = jw

    Anyone else have an update on this?

  • ILoveTTATT

    update... or comment... all are welcome...

  • ateograciasadios


    I am 400% with you. I am also willing to do some translating myself. If only I had the imagination to create my own blog like Cedars or the likes, I would totally do it in Spanish, as I am sure that's where the energy of the WT is concentrated now.

  • ILoveTTATT

    Hi ateograciasadios, would you like to join the translating team? I will PM you...

  • ABibleStudent

    Congratulations ILoveTTATT about completing JWfacts' blood doctrine webpage (and hopefully other webpages this year to celebrate the 100th anniversary of 1914)!!

    IMHO is a good webpage name, but I feel that it would be better to own that webpage and to redirect readers to or something similar for hopefully more language translations in the future. Let me know if jwfacts will except donations for purchasing web domain names.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


    P.S. - Although translating JWfacts to Spanish is very, very important, be sure to enjoy your life too like taking pictures of nature and dating chicas.

  • suavojr

    Hey bro! I was thinking the same thing but going on your own is not easy. I can help as well if you include me. Please send me a PM

  • joe134cd

    I believe you have to have a very similar to the equivalent in Spanish. That way some one could accidently click on it by accident. Just want to increase your odds of been hit on.

  • KateWild

    Well done ILT, keep up the good work. Kate xx

  • ILoveTTATT

    I AM DONE!!! WHOHOOOO!!! =) =) =)

    Now, gotta send it to Paul and it has to be proofread...

    I will PM those who want to participate.

    Thank you so very much!!

  • A.proclaimer
    A.proclaimer is a good name, it would fit the Spanish community better.

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