For some posts I think we should have another finger up button.
Posts by Zoos
Like Button
by Coded Logic ini read through the suggestion box and haven't seen anyone recomend this yet: is it possilbe to add a "like" button for posts and comments?
maybe something that keeps count of them like on youtube.
i think it would be a great tool to let people know we appreciate their comments.. i know we have the thumbs up icon we can paste in our comments but its hard to "like" someones elses comment when the thread is already 30 comments deep.. (feel free to thumbs up if this is a feature you'd like to see).
Today's WT study!. Watch out for the "wicked" in the cong!
by stuckinarut2 inhow strange today's study was!.
warning examples of apostacy, and saying to all witnesses "watch for bad associations in the cong".
talk about paranoia and distrust amongst themselves!.
And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become two flocks...
Public defiance against blood transfusions. Will this guy be disfellowshipped?
by kneehighmiah in
we've been following this story.
how can someone openly defy the governing body and yet avoid being disfellowshipped?
This story has international attention.
If the blood transfusion happens, WT will tread carefully for the sake of PR.
If they disfellowship for saving his son - public backlash.
If they do not disfellowship - internal murmuring.
This is not a good situation for the Watchtower.
The sick account of Abraham and Isaac!
by stuckinarut2 inthis has to be watched!!!
so thought provoking!.
When I was a kid I remember telling my grandfather how cruel I thought it was that God would tell Abraham to murder his own son. The response I got was, "When God tells you to do it, it's not murder. And besides, God must have known that it would be written about and used for generations to help mankind be obedient to God."
He wen't on, "And remember, God does not test us with evel things." (James 1:13)
I concluded early on that telling a man to kill his children is not evil.
Two more quitters!
by apocalypse inin my city, there's been a husband and wife who quit this week.
the first thing that came to mind when i heard it was 'they didn't need my help'.. you see, many in my city who quit in the past were previously on my mailing list.
One loser came back this week. Makes you wonder how baked they really are.
I went out and came back. I was over-baked. We all wake up in our own time, our own way.
Good for you in being pro-active. It would be great if more people had your attitude.
FYI all... Mike and Kim You Tube
by ducatijoe inwell if any did not know, mike and kim were shut down on you tube.. they are back on under kim mikey.. .
I thought Jesus told his followers to rejoice and leap for joy whenever people persecute them and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against them.
Curious that the WBTS reacts so differently.
Need to find those Km or Wt articles encouraging all to read the old publications!
by stuckinarut2 ini have been dropping comments to a few re some classic old beliefs and teachings etc... and when asked "where did you read that, or how come you are saying such and such?
" i have replied "well, you remember we have often been told to study and research our old 'theocratic history' and 'old gems' of material?....
now though i have been challenged to prove where this has been printed!.
Be careful not to quote anything TOO old, some things that are often posted on this site for which you would realistically not have access to a hard copy. If they ask to see where you read a certain thing you can't refer them to the internet. BUSTED!
My neighbor is a return visit. Should I say something?
by Zoos ini stayed home sick from work the other day and noticed a car group pull up to my neighbor's house.
she's a stay-at-home mom.
i decided it was time to retrieve something from my truck to see if i could recognize the visiting sisters.
Lots of great ideas. Thank you everyone. The one statement that stood out was:
OneEyedJoe: I don't know how I could live with myself if I didn't say something and they ended up getting sucked in to the cult.
I think that about sums it up for me.
I have a pretty good relationship with the neighbors. I think I can broach the subject without coming across as Mrs. Kravitz. I' ll go armed with that brochure from jwfacts.
Thanks all!
My neighbor is a return visit. Should I say something?
by Zoos ini stayed home sick from work the other day and noticed a car group pull up to my neighbor's house.
she's a stay-at-home mom.
i decided it was time to retrieve something from my truck to see if i could recognize the visiting sisters.
I stayed home sick from work the other day and noticed a car group pull up to my neighbor's house. She's a stay-at-home mom. I decided it was time to retrieve something from my truck to see if I could recognize the visiting sisters. I didn't. I thought to walk over and say hi... I didn't. (I DID have a stomach virus - didn't want to pass it on.)
I have since thought to say something to her and her husband about my history with that group. I haven't yet. Not sure if it's my place to stick my nose in it. On one hand I'm sure she's bored to tears all day and loves the visits. Talk about a nicety all wrapped up in a turd.
Should I arm the woman with knowledge or just give a general warning? Eh... I guess that would depend on what her intentions are. Not sure how to handle.
Observations from a day at the zoo
by Simon inso we went to calgary zoo today and i'm torn between zoo's being great for conservation vs using animals to make money.
i think on the whole they are a good thing but it's sad to see some of the animals caged up - somehow i always end up staring into the eyes of a gorilla and it makes me sad.. but that isn't what struck me ... it's these things:.
Down here in the south our zoos provide the name of the animal AND a recipe. That's always helpful.