Tell him it'll be a great place to meet his future husband.
Posts by Zoos
Nephew going to bethel - seeking seed planting ideas
by azor ini have posted a handful of times so far.
i am seeking some ideas to plant some seeds with my nephew before he goes to patterson.. a little about me and the going away party where i will have an opportunity to plant these seeds.
i have a little freedom since i am the only relative that he is in communication with that spent some time at bethel.
What were the calculations used to arrive at the 1874 date of Christ's return?
by Zoos inwe all know the calculations used by the wt to arrive at 1914. fall of babylon in 607 (false year), gentile times, no zero year, ta-da, 1914.. what did they use before that?
i know it wasn't russell who came up with it - he just adopted it.
i'm just curious what they had to explain away when they made the transition.. .
Lots of great answers here. Thanks everyone.
The Watchtower explains the sheep and the goats
by runForever inthe march 2015 study watchtower finally solves the mystery of the sheep and the goats:.
" first, note that jesus is teaching bymeans of an illustration.
obviously, he isnot talking about separating literal sheepfrom literal goats.".
Obviously, he is
not talking about separating literal sheep
from literal goats.Ah... the deep things of God.
After Six Months of Hiatus, I can tell you the Watchtower is Starting to Crumble Faster than you think!
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker ini took a hiatus from jwn because the wall started to collapse because i lost several people ive known almost my entire life.
these were people i thought would never die, the lies told by the watchtower is unforgivable!
there was a party i attended keeping a low profile while documenting what was said.
The good news is this organization WILL fall apart, if only to become a fraction of what it is today. The bad news is, the human suffering by our families and former associates is only going to get worse in that cult
Left Behind the movie with Nicolas Cage anybody had the misfortune to watch it ?
by smiddy ini just veiwed it with the wife , son and his wife .this movie has to be rock bottom for nicolas cage surely.. for a score of 1 out of 10 i would give it a -10 , it is so contrived , badly acted , badly scripted , i dont know , their was just nothing to hold your attention really .
no suspense , no nothing at all .. all of us couldnt help ourselves as we picked holes in the movie the longer it went on .a good movie we watch you wouldnt hear a pin drop from start to finish.
a badly made religous propaganda movie apparently made to scare unbeleivers back to church , but be sincere.. smiddy.
I was going to go see it. Based on the previews it loked pretty good. Then my manager at work, a die-hard Christian, told me the movie was awful. He compared it to those old Left Behind movies with Kirk Cameron.
Bad acting, bad script, bad special effects, stupid premise.
What were the calculations used to arrive at the 1874 date of Christ's return?
by Zoos inwe all know the calculations used by the wt to arrive at 1914. fall of babylon in 607 (false year), gentile times, no zero year, ta-da, 1914.. what did they use before that?
i know it wasn't russell who came up with it - he just adopted it.
i'm just curious what they had to explain away when they made the transition.. .
We all know the calculations used by the WT to arrive at 1914. Fall of Babylon in 607 (false year), gentile times, no zero year, TA-DA, 1914.
What did they use before that? I know it wasn't Russell who came up with it - he just adopted it. I'm just curious what they had to explain away when they made the transition.
I went to my little cousins 1 year old birthday party and thoroughly enjoyed it.
by joe134cd ini got an invite from some none j bud family members to go to my little cousins 1 year old birthday party.
this is going to sound weird but in my 40 years of living this is the 1st birthday i've ever attended.
i thoroughly enjoyed it.
Children playing makes Jehovah sad.
Be honest post do all posters on this site believe the bible is 100% or has flaws?
by booker-t inwe in the psychology/sociology field have a saying "when people protest too loud usually they are overcompensating".
i did not understand that when i first started studying psychology but now i understand it completely and it is so true.
when i hear someone constantly bashing something or someone such as gay bashing or ethnic bashing or religion bashing sometimes i wonder what are they hiding.
I think I may be in the process of losing some of my previously held adoration. I think generally it is true or at least written in a way that makes a beneficial point but I no longer believe it flows without error or contradiction. That much has become obvious.
I used to believe God protected the sanctity of His word but seeing what the Watchtower has done with their new NWT version has proven to me that He has not protected His word from the ravages of man's many agendas... (or is that "agendi"?)
I have come to the conclusion that the bible is a good starting point for learning the basics but at some point you have to graduate from the rules and regulations and learn how improvise in real life. I also think if you really want to experience the emotion of LOVE for God, stay away from the old testament. I'm content with the gospels at this point - they serve as a reminder that I shouldn't be a dick. Beyond that, I have little use for the book.
7 questions to make JWs think
by Coded Logic in) why do animals suffer and die?.
) if this is all about god's soverenty, why cause the flood?
how does it prove "man cannot direct their own step" if god immediately turns around and wipes men out for " eating and drinking, marrying and being given in marriage ?".
What is your organisation currently doing to support victims of abuse?
"We teach them to wait on Jehovah, of course. We encourage them to get out in field service as soon as possible because THAT is where they will find true healing."
Thank You From Captives of a Concept
by Cameron_Don ini wanted to thank so many who have taken the time and effort to read and recommend captives of a concept over the past decade.. for those who have not seen it, there is an interview on youtube that may have helped some witnesses begin the process of getting the sense of the way the watchtower religion actually works....
don cameron.
I have used and quoted from your book several times - proper credit given. Thank YOU for all your hard work.