We in the psychology/sociology field have a saying "When people protest too loud usually they are overcompensating". I did not understand that when I first started studying Psychology but now I understand it completely and it is so true. When I hear someone constantly bashing something or someone such as gay bashing or ethnic bashing or religion bashing sometimes I wonder what are they hiding. I think many people on this site probably believes the bible is just a book not having any validity. I have heard ex-jws in public screaming "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" but in private they are saying that is total nonsense. So posters how many of you believe the bible is bologne? I will be the first to out myself and say I have never swallowed the bible 100% even as a JW. I have always questioned the Adam and Eve story(seems like a big fairytale) Satan and his Demons( seems like science fiction at best like Star Wars) and Noah and the Arc( used to make me laugh). I still believe in God but the bible I am slowly pusing aside.
Be honest post do all posters on this site believe the bible is 100% or has flaws?
by booker-t 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
sorry posters for my spelling errors in the post I am at work trying to do two things at once. I apologize for any mispelled words.
Me too!
even when I was JW (except when i was 5 years hold with the yellow biblical story book), I never had a big confidence in all these creationnists thing....
Now I'm a scientific... Then, no need to carify more... I don't believe no more... I became an atheist!
Who believes the bible? Hardly anyone, I imagine, even though they think they do. I don't believe it, just some ancient mythology that has maybe a tiny bit of historical interest, that's all. People who try to live modern lives by the rules of the bible are, frankly, out of their minds.
The Bible is 100% because Watchtower has proven it with their mags and books. It is impossible for Jehovah's Organization to tell a lie. Read the word daily along with Watchtower and you will happy and fruitful....
For 5 decades I defended a book that I believed was the word of god...It was unthinkable for me to challenge what I had been taught by my loving parents and a brotherhood who guided me in the path leading to everlasting life. Even when I read something contradicting my beliefs I was always able to find a counter argument that made sense to me in the pages of the WT publications. Until the day I tried to verify a quote from a secular source that was used by the WT to support their claim of a steep increase in earthquakes since 1914. This particular quote was broken in two parts with (...) in between. From that very moment I started questioning every quotes, quickly realizing that I had been lied to. Quickly I came to realize I could no longer believe in anything I can't prove...including the existence of god. I had figured out the difference between belief and faith, and without faith the bible is only a collection of fables.
How have they proven it? Through BS speculations with no proof? And believe me man, the Watchtower has told more lies than the Devil himself. It is all in their history over 100+ years.
breakfast of champions
I believe the bible is 100% flawed.
1) Morningworship is awesome.
2) Anyone posting here probably does not believe in the Bible 100%. Even the apologists have doubts, otherwise they wouldn't be here.
I think 90% of what is in the bible is flawed. 10% (Mostly in 2 Kings) might be right... but however it is good for two things: (possibly a third)
1. Historically it tells us what the writer (thus their culture) was thinking at the time and place they wrote it...
2. Western Culture and religion is based on it so it is wise to have knowledge of the work.
The possible third is that reading the bible makes one an atheist