You cannot shun her completely unless she has been baptized. You can only perceive her as "bad association" and mark her.
You cannot dine with here in public but you can still greet her at the meetings.
some background:josie the miniature schnauzer is now 12 years old, so she's old enough to know the difference between right and wrong.
however, she insists on peeing in the middle of my beautifully tended lawn, which, as a consequence, is now covered in brown patches.
i've remonstrated with her a number of times and each time she purports to show a diplay of repentance, that is, she slinks away on her belly with her ears flattened down tightly to her head.
You cannot shun her completely unless she has been baptized. You can only perceive her as "bad association" and mark her.
You cannot dine with here in public but you can still greet her at the meetings.
quote from today's watchtower study article that's being studied at the halls (march 15, 2015, page 24):.
"understanding the illustration of the talents".
"when the master rewards the slaves.".
"Adjusted explanation: Jesus was not foretelling that a group of his anointed followers would make up a wicked slave class. Rather, he was warning his followers about what would happen if they thought and acted in a way that would cause him to view them as wicked and sluggish."
Every time God gave the new nation of Israel a warning of consequences associated with breaking His laws, the Israelites ended up breaking those laws and reaping the consequences.
"If you do THIS, I will do THIS."
These were not shoot-from-the-hip warnings over abstract concepts of future possibilities. GOD KNEW what those punks were like and what they were GOING TO DO. So, he gave them a heads up.
There is no scriptural basis for the GB to make the assertion that a warning was given about something that would never happen. The record speaks volumes to the contrary.
is now really putting the pressure on j.w.
's to "encourage" their pre-pubescent children to "dedicate" themselves to the org by being baptized!.
not only does the bible dismiss such a false directive, the org's own insight book dismisses the suggestion that such young ones are mentally able to make such a decision!
That baptism gives them all the leverage they need to come in and take over a life. The ability to hold disfellowshipment and shunning over someones head is a powerful manipulating tool. Watchtower baptism is a public demonstration that you have completely submitted to your new puppet masters.
What I don't understand is: Why all the emphasis on younger baptisms when they already beat the drum of backing away from "unwholesome associates", whether or not they are baptized? There has always been an unofficial, basement (wink, wink) disfellowshipping arrangement. Is this new push for control.... I mean, baptism of younger lives the result of that little side arrangement not working so well?
i recently finish obtaining a personal fitness trainer certification.
in that study i learned how the body will move blood to the core in a hypothermia situation, sacrificing the limbs/extremities in order to protect the vital organs.. why would such a survival mechanism need to be built into a body that was designed to live forever in paradise on earth?.
I recently finish obtaining a personal fitness trainer certification. In that study I learned how the body will move blood to the core in a hypothermia situation, sacrificing the limbs/extremities in order to protect the vital organs.
Why would such a survival mechanism need to be built into a body that was designed to live forever in paradise on earth?
i live in orange county new york.
i posted once before a few weeks ago.
i am losing my family because of this org.
the july 15, 2015 study watchtower article entitled "your deliverance is getting near", along with the jw broadcasting video entitled "gerrit losch: fortified by "the prophetic word," and chapter 21 of the god's kingdom rules!
book presented a large amount of new light or clarified understanding of the events of the great tribulation.. here i am presenting it in chronological order -- this is the governing body's updated chronological order of events for the time right before the great tribulation through armageddon:.
the final sealing of the anointed occurs just prior to the outbreak of the tribulation.
Beel-Zebub is in the mouse.
imagine the best case scenario.
the watchtower society implodes from within even making final printed admissions that it is voluntarily dismantling it's mission and legally dissolving the corporations.
oh happy day!
i just wanted to introduce myself and say a big hello to all of my mentally diseased friends.. i say friends because i have been lurking for some time so it feels like home (us lurkers are a bit scared and cautious so it takes a while).
i won't bore you with too many details, but i am a born in, currently serving as the cobe of a congregation.
my wife and i have pioneered for the last 10 years and were shaken awake by that ridiculous 15th july 2013 wt about the generation and 1914.. my wife who is much smarter than me has questioned for years.
Okay, we're going to have to set up a field office to process all these new escapees.
Or are WE that field office?
Welcome out, bro!
golden age 1930 apr 2 p.446.
question: will husband and wife live together after the resurrection is completed, if both are in harmony with god?.
the most that we know is that here will be no children born during the last 100 years of the millinnium (isa.
Or... You might become her sister.
What's good for the goose...
Just because we all become brothers doesn't mean we can't still enjoy sex. Millions of homos can't be wrong.