Wow! You think the Watchtower hated the harlot before...?
Me thinks there will be an up tick in the vitriol rhetoric against the evil Catholic church in coming months. Joey Rutherford will be proud.
an interesting perspective from watchtower's nemesis:.
pope francis calls for ending tax-exempt status of churches that dont help the needy.
pope warns religious orders: take in refugees, or pay property taxes.
Wow! You think the Watchtower hated the harlot before...?
Me thinks there will be an up tick in the vitriol rhetoric against the evil Catholic church in coming months. Joey Rutherford will be proud.
fortunately there will still be people waking up to the scam.. .
Fortunately there will still be people waking up to the scam.
what is it about some of these self proclaimed "christians" who go seeking persecution when it don't exist?.
we've had a case locally in calgary where the initial reports sounded like the person had a legitimate claim: a bus driver didn't want to drive the bus in a gay pride parade and said he'd resign if they made him and that the local transit company was threatening him to force him to do it.. except it was all invented ... by him !.
they already proactively told him that there was no danger that he would be asked to drive that bus in the parade (i.e.
newcastle heraldchild sex abuse inquiry hears 4000th testimonyby joanne mccarthy sept. 10, 2015, 10:30 p.mthe royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse held its 4000th private hearing in a jail in august as britain followed australias lead in tackling child sexual abuse.the royal commission heard evidence on august 19 from a prisoner who had been sexually abused as a britain, the head of its newly established independent inquiry into child sexual abuse praised the remarkable response to the australian a speech to australian church leaders on thursday, royal commissioner justice peter mcclellan said he was pleased the british inquiry would closely follow successful australian arrangements.more than 1500 people were waiting for a private hearing and about 40 people a week requested a private hearing, justice mcclellan said.the royal commission has received 16,361 allegations involving 3566 institutions since it was established in november 2012 following the newcastle heralds shine the light campaign for a royal commission into historic child sexual abuse.more than 7000 allegations relate to religious institutions, with 4418 against the catholic church, and more than 3600 against government institutions.allegations against other churches are: anglican, 871; uniting church, 411; presbyterian, 123; methodist, 69; salvation army, 519; jehovahs witnesses, 137; jewish, 80; baptist, 59; seventh day adventist, 56; australian christian churches, 50; lutheran, 32; brethren, 30; mormon, 18; coptic orthodox, 4; and greek orthodox, 2.justice mcclellan said the royal commission had referred 727 matters to police to investigate with a view to prosecuting alleged the past few weeks, the royal commission had reported to the federal government on a national redress scheme for victims of was clear that time limits presented a considerable, and sometimes an insurmountable, burden for survivors wishing to commence civil proceedings against child sex offenders and institutions, he said.the royal commission should also mark the end of the societal norm that children should be seen but not heard, he said.when the required silence of the child was accompanied by an unquestioning belief by adults in the integrity of the carer ... the power imbalance was entrenched to the inevitable detriment of many children, justice mcclellan said.we must ensure that in the future the institution does not silence the child.
THE Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse held its 4000th private hearing...
Where do these people find the strength?
I remember when I was trying to decide which venue I wanted to get into for volunteer work, the idea of working at the local Shriners Hospital for Children was suggested. I rolled the idea around for awhile and then backed out because I didn't think I would be able to handle it emotionally.
These people who are capable of placing themselves in the middle of a storm like this possess a strength I will never have.
ok heres latest at kh .i have a friend of mine who is df but trying to get reinstated i know you may ask why but its a free country anyway he is a frienldly chap and likes to say hello to old friends.
he does his hellos very discreetly not makeing a scene.
well the elders have noticed him saying hello to people at hall so they invited him in back room.
I noticed when I was trying to get reinstated... people notice you. You try to disappear into the furniture but you are seen and commented on.
It took a long time for me to get reinstated and I often wondered what kind of effect this had on the brothers and sisters in the congregation. I KNEW one of the elders on my JC was viewed as a dick-head. I couldn't help but wonder if this had a negative effect on others who might have thought I was being treated harshly. Which I was.
Now that it's all over and I am awake and out... I often wish I had exploited that situation better - responding to an elder's invitation to the back room with a comment within earshot of others, "So you can just tell me again that you're not going to reinstate me. No thanks! My relationship with Jehovah is fine. I'll be fine."
OP, your friend is in a position to help others in a variety of ways by undermining the "stars" in the congregation.
i think there is.
2 schools of thoght on the reasons why they want records on inactive school 1.round this loose ends up we have to many fadeing and getting amnesty we want to keep tabs on them because they have influence on those still active so tighten up no loopholes make them pay for leaving the organization, school2.these are sincerely.
intrested in helping those who hate our guts because we treated them in an unloveing way or they feel your just are a little stupid and let the loveing shepards help you so it is intresting i also think the circuit ovetseers and yes men have hoodwinked the gb into thinking everthing is just dandy in spirtual paradise these reasons why some ate inactive will be eye opening to some of the gb and hopefully they will see people as fellow humans and not stupid little chilldren that need a human master.
Maybe they're doing it because God is a god of order, not disorder, and they are just trying to emulate His qualities by walking in the ways of... (*cough*.... "ack"... !ptooie!.... - snort-)
....sorry. I couldn't finish that.
hello friends!today is a sad day for me, as seven months have gone by since my mother passed away after a decades-long fight with breast cancer..
because the witnessing/preaching/teaching work doesn't make any sense to me anymore; because it's not about any "truth"; and because it's basically useless, i've decided to quit doing it.
instead, i've decided to do something that actually can make a real difference in other people's lives.
i looked at my statistics this morning:.
joined 11 years ago.
Terry, I don't often post but I'm always reading and have enjoyed your many threads. I was thinking about you the other day and your book that I purchased (and thoroughly enjoyed - difficult a story as it was to read).
I was wondering... most of us wake up with a desire to see the WT organization crumble. I'm sure you're no different. How have your thoughts on that possibility changed over the years since you awakened?
Of all the things you have accomplished since you've been out, what do you feel was your finest moment, your biggest mistake, and what might you have done differently?
Don't mean to bombard you with a big homework assignment. We all respect your insights around here and would enjoy hearing what you think.
from reddit:.
Mad Irishman
It's frequency is very low compared to every country they are in compared to the national average and it is by far not even close to be anything out of the ordinary. If anything their rates of child molestation are shockingly low.
MAD IRISHMAN, this is not about frequency. It's not about ordinary. It's not about statistics or rates or quantities or numbers of any kind.
Everyone knows child abuse/sexual molestation happens. It's disgusting... but we all know it happens. While we agree that even one event is too many, I don't get the sense that anyone is hung up on numbers. We're hung up on the cover-up... the lack of caring within the organization, the lip service paid to the problem while the broom is busily sweeping the entire problem under the rug for the sake of institutional reputation.
Big difference!