Posts by Zoos
Lights make Jehovah sad. -
No-See-ums bug bites, have you experienced these little pest?
by James Mixon inthe wife and i here lately have received little unknown bug bites, on our legs and arms.. so today in my senior class the instructor ask if anyone received any unknown bug bite.. there were 75% that raised there hand and everyone ask, what the hell is it.. these insects are ferocious biters.
they don't spread any diseases, but they will keep you indoors.. they are called valley blacks gnats, they feed on blood.
in my research i found they are active in.
In my research I found they are active in Phoenix, Az, Denver, Tn just to name a few places.
You can add South Carolina to that list.
"New Light never contradicts Old Light, but simply adds to it"
by stuckinarut2 indoes anyone remember this classic quote from a society publication??.
i remember it has been quoted many times, but i cant find the reference.. if this comment is to be taken literally, it condemns the organization anytime there has been a complete changes in teachings and doctrine!
JWFACTS, the problem with that quote is that it was made in 1881 by C.T. Russell. We can't use that on modern day JWs because Russell has been demoted to John the Baptist status wherein he only prefigures the drunk dude who was the real first faithful slave. So Russell was just a man that was followed who claimed to be directed solely by God whereas Rutherford is directed by God because he is the faithful slave despite the flip-flops that might suggest we were following man....
... I have a headache.
I need help finding 2 specific Awake or Watchtower articles from 70's or 80's regarding converting homosexuals.
by paul from cleveland ini remember reading at least 2 articles from the 70's or early 80's referencing people that supposedly changed from gay to straight while jehovah's witnesses.
i can't remember the specifics or maybe i was just reading that into the article at the time.
does anyone remember these articles or something similar?.
Curious what you're working on, Paul from the land of Cleveland. Or did you just have a bug in your tail and wanted to refresh your memory on something? -
Top three reason for it to be cult and/or not the true religion.
by Powermetal4ever inalright, i want everyone to list your top three reasons for jw to be cult and/or not the true religion. can't look, or wear whatever you want.. 2. blah.
3. blah.
#3 - When I was a kid, door-to-door service cut in to Saturday morning cartoons.
#2 - When I was a kid, Sunday Watchtower study cut in to Casey Kasem"s American Top 40 Countdown.
#1 - Millions of apostates can't be wrong!
My Mother Died Two Weeks Ago
by Perry innone of my jehovah's witness relatives called to tell me or my family.
just found out this morning.
I wonder how many groups of people there are that have to deal with this phenomenon on a regular basis. I also expect to find the obituary of the women who birthed me through an Internet search. Fortunately for me it will no longer constitute a loss in any way. I'm more bothered by the principle of the matter.
Sorry for your insult, Perry.
When I Was School Overseer . . .
by compound complex inwe were instructed not to give public counsel to the students, but to use the two minutes alloted afterwards to supplement, from the aid book, the subject matter presented by the students.
the following information on jehovah's answering of prayer came to mind when replying to another thread moments ago.. doubtless, our viewpoint on this and other scriptural matters has taken on a new direction -- if any at all.
having worked on this bible dictionary while at bethel, i retain a fondness for it.
Most people, myself included, would read that explanation of how prayer works and think nothing of it, even a non-believer just shrugging it off as an innocuous fairy tale. It never would have occurred to me the devastating effects of that one single aspect - wait on Jehovah in prayer - could have on people who are mentally locked in, and in certain desperate situations.
I SHOULD have known, having spent my youth trying to "pray away the gay" and finally concluding I must have done SOMETHING as a child to make God hate me. Spent the next 15 years in a bottle of vodka.
by Sabin ini`ve been thinking, a thread was put up about a month ago asking the question " why me?
basically why some of us find out ttatt while others are so blinded, good, sincere people that we love.
well after some consideration i have come to the conclusion that 1) some are in the truth 2) others want truth.
Some good thoughts were made in this thread on the subject.
America Mass Shooting: 10/1/2015
by adjusted knowledge insince this will be the norm in america, perhaps we should put a date on each of these topics.
can't really put school mass shooting because too many to choose from.
I'm in a tough spot on this issue. While I agree with a person's right to own a gun (I own one too), I acknowledge that beer-bellied rednecks and hot-headed idiots bent on saving Amurr'ca with religion, guns and the Republican party are the types of people who (mostly) go buy these deadly tools.
That scares the $#!* out of me.
I have a gun and a licence to open carry. But the only time I carry my gun out of the house is when I go hiking in the mountains. I do that so that I can make sure I never slip to second place on the food chain. There have been several reports of bear attacks in the area I like to explore and, well... I think second place would suck.
I agree there should be a much higher bar set for gun ownership in this country. To many yahoos with pick-ups are slinging guns around with reckless abandon.
Mass disassociation pact...
by freemindfade inany takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
Perhaps a list of the most prominent media outlets in various countries should begin to be developed. In addition to whatever congregation(s) each person chooses to send to, another half dozen (at least) should be directed toward the media.
To simplify the targeting of media, I wonder if a greater impact would result if we focused on major news agencies headquartered in New York.
On the flip side of that idea, other countries do seem to be more sensitive to religious issues than the U.S.. Greater minds should weigh in.
We only have a limited number of letters. We have to find a way to get the most bang for our buck.