Posts by Zoos
Special Pioneer Couple Living at a Kingdom Hall In Miami FL, get the dreaded Letter
by James Jack injust got a phone call from an older sister saying that a couple that got re-assigned from bethel 4 years ago to live at their kh apartment as special pioneers, just received a letter saying "as of january 2016, your special pioneer assignment will be discontinued".. they live in a south miami kh(snapper creek congregation).. this couple had only served in bethel for 15 years before they were sent out into the special pioneer work.
they are now in their mid 50's and the sister said that they have to find part time jobs to support themselves.. the older sister (does not have a pc or internet), says that the couple are just devastated!
Aus Bethel reducing numbers dramatically.
by joey jojo insorry if this is old news but just heard that there will only be about 75 people left at sydney bethel after layoffs.
That's a HUGE downsizing. Do they really think that, coupled with ongoing pleas for money will simply go unnoticed?... un-talked about?
That's 300+ people returning to Australian congregations telling everyone how Bethel is down to 75 people. Even brain dead culties can kinda-sorta start putting pieces together.
Blackmail to get your drivers license, blackmail to end the shunning...
by Zoos inthe watchtower corporation is ripping the carpet out from under sincerity.. they teach that god knows our private thoughts, the inclinations of our heart.
how can they possibly think that it's okay to dangle a drivers license in front of a teenager under condition of baptism?
how can they possibly think it is okay to dangle renewed association with family under condition of reinstatement?.
The Watchtower corporation is ripping the carpet out from under sincerity.
They teach that God knows our private thoughts, the inclinations of our heart. How can they possibly think that it's okay to dangle a drivers license in front of a teenager under condition of baptism? How can they possibly think it is okay to dangle renewed association with family under condition of reinstatement?
They obviously don't care about a person's true motivation. They just want the outside of the cup to shine, shine, SHINE!
Clergy sexual abuse in theaters this Nov, very much like WTS
by Illuminated inif you get a chance to go to the movie theaters next few months, watch "spotlight".
it's based on a true story of clergy sexual abuse and the trailer made me feel like i was watching the jw's.. here's the trailer:
Damn! -
2015 Jehovah's Witnesses Annual Meeting Lett warning about apostates CLIP
by Watchtower-Free in
Canadian JW's exerting themselves vigorously. Really?
by clarity inthere were at least four jw's to one lone man on the street.
they look to be mostly elders.
if they are ... is this the example they really want to set.
I find this sort of tactic repulsive.
Need advice
by Darkknight757 inhi.i've been pouring over this site for the past few days looking for some advice and i hope there is someone here that can help a guy out.
i'm desperate.....short bio: i came into the organization after high school and shortly after married a wonderful girl who was born-in.we have been happily married now for nearly 20 years and things were well until 2015 hit.
by the way, i currently serve as an elder and have the ""privilege"" of being the "watchtower overseer".. either here nor there, we were told we would never have children but late last year my wife became prego!!
Your wife is your "out".
Tell the body you are stepping down to focus on your wife. Don't take any crap for your decision and don't let your wife talk you out of it.
You can work out the details of a slow fade after that.
Just found out their about to baptise my 14 year old boy.
by Crazyguy inthere doing this right under my nose but i just found out.
not sure what to do but would like your help on getting me wt information on my headship role and how they shouldn't be doing this with out my permission.
also would like some help on showing my son the ramifications on what happens to someone when they get baptized and how they'll expect him to treat me.
Trying to look at this situation from your son's perspective.
The brother(s) who study with him have probably implanted the idea of baptism into his head under the guise that it is a dedication to God. What loyal, emotionally charged young Christian wouldn't want to show God how much he/she loved Him by making this public dedication? He also gets to sit in the special place at the convention with thousands of eyes on him and enjoy all the accolades that come with it. Pretty enticing.
How are you going to combat that without coming across as a God-hater... a position that will only confirm the warnings his "teachers" have probably already given him about you, thereby strengthening his resolve?
That's a tough situation.
I can think of three approaches off the top of my head:
1. Lead with making your son KNOW that you approve of his love/dedication/sincerity for God.
2. Calmly show him how Watchtower has perverted baptism into a loyalty contract with the organization and how such a thing is not scripturally supported.
3. Show him how even Jesus - THE SON OF GOD - in whose footsteps we are supposed to walk, waited until he was VERY mature before making such an important decision. Then ask him to contemplate the reasons why Watchtower would want to hurry him into such a contract. (Keeping in mind what you said in your OP about how the elders will expect your son to treat his own father after baptism)
Just spewing what jumped into my head. Hope this comes across as at least semi-coherent.
Watchtower HATES being compared to Catholic Church - but if the shoe fits...
by Zoos inremember this?.
well how about this?.
Where is the last picture from?
i followed this back to jaw Archive and found an explanation that the hidden stage was to protect the speakers (visiting GB members?) from crazed apostates and snipers.
Watchtower HATES being compared to Catholic Church - but if the shoe fits...
by Zoos inremember this?.
well how about this?.
Remember this?
Well how about THIS?