If you have it in you (and you have a case), go for it. The more this cult is made to face the foul stench and public shame of it's behavior, the better. If it would take an unnecessary emotional toll on you, well... that's your call.
I was 3 or 4 when my older cousin started in on me. I found out years later he was being abused himself by his grandfather on the other side of the family. I think he might have pursued legal action after he matured had the old pervert not died. Anyway, when my cousin was - I'm guessing 11 or 12 - he started taking me out to the barn. I know he must have been prepubescent when it started because after awhile I noticed he had hair around his penis where there wasn't before. I remember asking him if it itched.
All I remember from our years long soiree was that it was fun. My response to every bit of it, save the last couple of times when I was almost 17, was "fun"... and sometimes I even initiated it myself.
Despite the fact that I was pulled into a sexual situation at a ridiculously young age, I have never been able to relate to the trauma that I hear so many victims describe. I DON'T DISCOUNT IT. I understand it is genuine. I just don't get it. I've never had any desire to go after my cousin legally. Maybe because I understand he was a victim too.