Posts by Zoos
by The Searcher inin order to "scripturally justify" j.f.
rutherford's rebranding of the bible students by the creation of a designer name which made them stand out from other bible students, the nwt deceptively misuses a verse to perpetuate the falsehood of the unscriptural name, "jehovah's" witnesses!.
(james 2:7) "they blaspheme the fine name by which you were called,* do they not?".
Rutherford Says 1925 Was Just His Opinion
by baldeagle in1980 yearbook pp.
61-63 france 1925a critical year.
the year 1925 got off to a good enough start, with the french watch tower magazine being enlarged from 12 to 16 pages.
1973 "Divine Victory" International Assemblies
by Bungi Bill inhow many here attended the "divine victory" international assembly that was held 12- 16 december in christchurch, new zealand?.
the venue was lancaster park.
if the truth be known, that stadium was probably a casualty of the february 2011 earthquake?.
Los Angeles, California - Dodger Stadium
I was six and I got lost. Mom told me years later she just KNEW I got taken by the homosexuals.
Yay!! I got a valuable piece of garbage
by ILoveTTATT ini got what could well be the craziest wbts book: the finished mystery!!.
relatively cheap, 65 bucks.
can't wait till i have it in my hands!!.
Now you take good care of that book and show proper respect. Bible based publications provided to us by the faithful and discreet slave contain lifesaving information for all lovers of truth as they convey, not man's thoughts, but God's. I'm sure you will experience many hours of enjoyment as you immerse yourself in the pages of The Finished Mystery, allowing yourself to be drawn ever closer to your heavenly father and his visible earthly organization.
You may now puke.
Have the borg been to assimilate your street with Kingdom News 38?
by outinthemeadows ini'm only asking because we haven't seen a single sole......(sole being a living creature not a floaty spirit thing!
lol) and nobody has had one down our street at all.........
Has anyone scanned it and posted it for review yet?
Finally getting a shepherding call... or so I thought
by Zoos ina few weeks ago i got a visit from a sister from the old congregation.
she was our uber pioneer, fearless, regular and often accompanied by her husband, a ministerial servant.
she didnt know i lived here so it was a brief visit after she found out i had disassociated myself.. i got a knock at the door a few minutes ago and it was her husband this time.
Thanks for the comments everyone. It was a pretty amazing experience for me. I'll let you know how he's doing later.
Xanthippe, that link was perfect. Thank you!
JW's Unanswerable Question & Why Doesn't Everyone Take Them to Task For This?
by Perry inthe one question that is absolutely unanswerable by jehovah's witnesses that actually understand their own doctrines is this:.
can you show me even one new testament scripture that shows how a person can get their sins forgiven while outside of the new covenant?.
most of us are familiar with the one proof scripture that has all the necessary elements tied together into one neat doctrine - matther 26: 27,28:.
"And taking a cup , he offered thanks and gave it to them, saying: “Drink out of it, all of you , for this means my ‘ blood of the covenant ,’ which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins ."
You forgot to highlight "many". A typical argument is that Jesus did not specify that his blood was to be poured out in behalf of ALL, but rather for MANY. I don't agree with that argument but it is an argument.
Finally getting a shepherding call... or so I thought
by Zoos ina few weeks ago i got a visit from a sister from the old congregation.
she was our uber pioneer, fearless, regular and often accompanied by her husband, a ministerial servant.
she didnt know i lived here so it was a brief visit after she found out i had disassociated myself.. i got a knock at the door a few minutes ago and it was her husband this time.
So knock off this" God he`s seventy "as if he`s about to kick the bucket
Actually, I was surprised when he told me he was 70. He doesn't look it at all. He probably could be one of those with another 20 or 30 years in front of him. But my understanding was that big life changes are harder on older people.
I know what a jolt is was for me and I woke up at about 40. Walked around like a zombie for a couple years after that. And I was fortunate to keep my life mate. My visitor yesterday fully understands the consequences of becoming inactive and the need to watch what he says around his wife. That's a lot of stress to put on an old body. That's a lot of stress to put on a young body too.
Regarding his wife, I told him that I have read some pretty clever ideas from other people in his situation on how to fade out without losing family. I'm going to try to find those threads so I can brush up on the stories. If you happen to know of one off the top of your head would you kindly post the link for me?
Finally getting a shepherding call... or so I thought
by Zoos ina few weeks ago i got a visit from a sister from the old congregation.
she was our uber pioneer, fearless, regular and often accompanied by her husband, a ministerial servant.
she didnt know i lived here so it was a brief visit after she found out i had disassociated myself.. i got a knock at the door a few minutes ago and it was her husband this time.
A few weeks ago I got a visit from a sister from the old congregation. She was our uber pioneer, fearless, regular and often accompanied by her husband, a ministerial servant. She didn’t know I lived here so it was a brief visit after she found out I had disassociated myself.
I got a knock at the door a few minutes ago and it was her husband this time. I thought, “Ah! I’m finally getting a shepherding call… after four years.”
Boy was I wrong.
I opened the door and he took my hand immediately with a nervous smile on his face. “[Zoos], I understand you are no longer in the fellowship. I’m leaving too. Can we talk?”
In a million years I would have never guessed that to be his opening words.
We spoke at length about why he was fed up with the organization… “organization”, “Organization”, “ORGANIZATION!”,… “that’s all they ever talk about anymore.”
I sat there and focused on being a good listener. He unloaded on me and was mostly worried about losing his very zealous wife. “I’m 70 years old and I’m starting to have health problems.” The man is terrified.
I confirmed his suspicions about the organization without bombarding him with a bunch of information. I assured him that the number of new people hitting the various ex-JW support systems, discussion forums is snowballing. He confirmed that the number of people leaving has been a prominent topic of discussion at BOE and MS meetings. He expressed his desire to remain a Christian so I gave him the addresses for jwstruggle, jwfacts, freeminds along with my contact information and an assurance that my door is open to him anytime.
My heart was breaking for the old fella. I hope he plugs in to the support system.
The elders came by and my DA letter
by Crazyguy inthe lead elder co of my hall said he was going to push for a jc meeting.
i could tell all along all hes interested in is protecting his god the org.. so i'm 90% sure now of going on the offesive and first having a family meeting telling them i'm offically quitting and how its going to play out and how i'll will be shunned even though i have commited no sin.
i also may explain a little of why and how i came to this decision with out bashing the org to much out of respect for my wife.
That is a great letter and I love your final line.
Please remove me from your ranks as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, for now I am divinely called a Christian.