Posts by Zoos
Just came across this jw comment on the interweb, what do you think?
by disposable hero of hypocrisy inwe are up for a new kind of persecution in the future.
a new form that was unheard of for us.
in australia, disfellowshipped and dissasociated are planning on suing jw for emotional and mental hardship for being cast out completely.
JW.ORG Logo Denied Trademark Status by United States Patent and Trademark Office
by jwleaks inthe jehovahs witnesses official web site logo incorporating jw.org has been refused registration by the united states patent and trademark office due to similarity to jw player.. section 2(d) refusal likelihood of confusionclass 42. for the reasons set forth below, the refusal under trademark act section 2(d) is now made final with respect to u.s. registration no(s).
this refusal is limited to the class 42 services in the application.. applicants mark is jw.org & design, for use with, inter alia, providing a web site that gives computer users the ability to download audio and video recordings, dvds, music, digital print publications, online publications, documents, forms and web pages all in the field of religion, in class 42. the cited mark is jw player, for use with downloadable computer software for playing, viewing and streaming audio and video files in class 09.. .
documents available to download at jw leaks.. http://jwleaks.org/2014/06/19/jw-org-logo-denied-trademark-status-in-the-united-states/.
God is obligated to bind in heaven what the GB sees fit to bind on earth. How can the patent office get away with this?
Ramifications for Wt if Finnish government was successful in prohibiting shunning
by joe134cd ini was just thinking today of the ramifications for the wt if the government of finland was successful in its case against shunning practices, and eventually this was implemented all around the world.. the question this would raise is do they obey gods commandments or that of mans.
jehovah has implemented a scriptural policy through the fds of disfellowshipping.
it's a loving provision that helps the wrong doer see the errors of his ways and draws him back to jehovah.
So if Wt back track on shunning then how do they explain it to a family who haven't spoken to a disfellowshipped son/daughter in years.
Accomplishing this trick is only half of the equation. The other half will be in convincing those that have been shunned that their ex-family members are worth talking to.
They may not pass the plate around like other churches, but they do mention contributions a couple of times
by Legacy inso i went to the international convention.
the org.
Is the Watchtower religion really so lacking in an identity of their own that 130 years after its founding it still feels it must elevate itself by stepping on the "competition"?
Isn't that kind of a worldly trait?
..A New TV Show About exJW`s??!!..
by OUTLAW in.. do you want to be on tv?.
reposted to help tv producers of ex-jw series: my name is shauna woods and i work for hot snakes media, an acclaimed television production company based in new york city.
we have developed and produced hit content for tlc, discovery, and travel channel among many others.
by The Searcher intoday's watchtower study from the april 15th watchtower:par.
11 - when i learned at a convention that regular family worship is vital for us to survive jehovahs great day......"so, up until family worship evening was invented by the glorious ones, no one had any salvation and a chance of surviving armageddon???????????????.
also - w09 10/15 p. 29 family worshipvital for survival!.
I grew up in Idaho where there is actually a higher per capita rate of Mormons than in Utah. As far back as I can remember Mormons have had family day, which includes church, followed by church activities and study. I guess the doomed, Babylonish harlot of Mormonism figured out the salvation aspects of family study decades before the enlightened, spirit-directed boys up in Brooklyn.
My previous post
by Mum inthe link i posted will bring up a list of topics.
go the the search box at the top and type in "jehovah's witnesses.
" the topic i referenced is "jehovah's witness honored by chamber of commerce.
Interesting comments.
There was a thread here some time ago about the kick backs WT recieves for hosting it's district regional conventions in various cities.
Disfellowshipping - The 10 year rule?
by Gembean inis it true there is a 10 year rule?
i was reading on here when i saw someone quote it?
i've never heard of it before!.
Welcome Gembean!
I don't think it's a rule, but...
My sister was baptized, fell away and got all tangled up in drugs and alcohol, had a couple of kids from different guys, basically just fell apart. She was out for at least fifteen years and when she went back they just treated her like she was a new study. They acknowledged that all her "partying" was years past (as she is married now) and decided not to disfellowship.
Again, I don't think that's standard but apparently it does happen.
Why is shunning NOT a violation of Nat'l and Int'l law?
by Zoos ini was looking at the universal declaration of human rights posted at un.org and also the description of what constitutes a violation of religious freedom at uslegal.com .. .
according to the declaration of human rights:.
article 18.. everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
The government can't force people to associate and talk to everyone...
This isn't about forcing anyone to like me, associate with me or even talk to me. It's about having a policy in place to punish me for changing my religious views.
The existence of that written policy, a policy the WT boldly professes, is in violation of law. If an individual chooses not to speak to me or associate with me, that's one thing. But to arrive at that decision to ostracize me because of a religious corporate policy...? A corporate policy that even threatens other individuals with the same treatment if they don't shun me...?
That's another matter.
I know I'm wasting my time trying to figure this out.
Why is shunning NOT a violation of Nat'l and Int'l law?
by Zoos ini was looking at the universal declaration of human rights posted at un.org and also the description of what constitutes a violation of religious freedom at uslegal.com .. .
according to the declaration of human rights:.
article 18.. everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
There is also freedom of association.
You can't really pass a law forcing people to associate with or even "like" other people.
But by the admission of WT's own printed statements, they disfellowship people for adopting other beliefs as a matter of punishment and an attempt to coerce the individual into compliance.
That is the very definition of placing "arbitrary prohibitions on, restrictions of, or punishment for--" on someone for changing his/her belief system.