Philippine Authority: "Why didn't you evacuate?"
Philippine Elders: "We could have, but we didn't."
i have a 2011 new year resolution to avoid reading jw literature or watch their videos.i am not "religious" about it, and will watch/read excerpts, but pretty much stick with that resolution as it only angers me when i read the stuff.. well, someone posted their video of philippines disaster relief due to a 2013 typhoon as a response to a news article to demonstrate that they are not really helping and that it is just propaganda.
i watched the video and was immediately able to see what the hell is wrong with jw's and their leadership and, as i figured- i was angered.. so i will post this link, but then go back to not watching/reading.
it just isn't worth it.. in the video, when they knew the storm was coming, the pre-planned disaster relief people texted elders to warn them to evacuate.
Philippine Authority: "Why didn't you evacuate?"
Philippine Elders: "We could have, but we didn't."
i had a photo copy of the magazine "the generation that will never die!
" sitting in my office, he saw it and being the voracious reader he is, he asked me "why did the magazine say all those people would never die?
" i told him "humans make mistakes, they were wrong by claiming that.
Oh, what these kids absorb.
Good job, Jr.!
"scientists may never resolve exactly how much of a role nature and nurturing play in same-sex attraction.
but one thing is clear: all humans are born with the tendency to succumb to wrong thinking and inclinations.
--romans 3:23. a youth who desires to please god must therefore conform to his moral standards and shun immoral behavior, though doing so may be agonizingly difficult.
Anyone else leave the Society in part due to their treatment of gay people?
I left entirely because of the gay issue. All the other realizations came after my disassociation.
You cannot lay down such a hard line anti-gay policy and it not effect the attitudes of the masses towards gays. THEY SAY that they accept gays at the Kingdom Hall, and to be fair I experienced that from a few that knew I was gay. But by far the attitude was stand-offish by those who knew me, and a willingness to verbally trash, condemn, mock, joke and make fun of gays by those who didn't know me - didn't realize they were talking about me to my face.
The simplicity of "hate the sin, love the sinner" goes as far as the paper it is written on, for most. That rule falls apart when you have speakers from the platform ranting about how disgusting homos are, how obscene they are to look at in public, how demoralizing it is to be mistaken for one,... and the rants go on and on.
Later, when you wake up and realize homosexuality is not the sin you had always been led to believe it was, then:
i recently learned of the possibility that my son has a love child and that this child is in prison.
the child was born in the early 80s.
i learned that my ex-wife and her parents may have paid a large sum of money to the young mother (and others) in order to keep this scandal out of the press and perhaps out of earshot of the local elders.
so many times the wt uses a phrase close to that, when they really mean accept the gb's discipline.
with all of these sex abuse cases and other skeletons in the gb closet coming to light, just like king david, perhaps somebody should tell the gb to take their own advice and accept jehovah's discipline as all of their dirty laundry will continue to get exposed and they need to humble themselves.
remember when Chas Russell wrote that they would never beg for donations
They're not begging for donations. They're demanding, taking.
Sheesh! ;)
if all religion is a snare and a racket as per judge rutherford, then has religion maybe lied to us on this score too?.
could jesus have meant: "if you belonged to the (religious) world, it would love you as its own.
as it is, you do not belong to the (religious) world, but i have chosen you out of the (religious) world.
Perry, you can't explain what spirit is so there's no way you could hope to explain the difference. It's all woo and mumbo jumbo.
Nice off-topic attack, Viviane. Please come again.
jehovah church faces flood of sex abuse cases.
"a woman who was abused from the age of four by a senior officer of the jehovahs witnesses has lodged a 500,000 claim for compensation in a test case that could open the door to hundreds more suits involving members of the religious organisation in the uk.".
If we help them to marry the criticism levelled by the WT against the Catholic Church and others, with the reality of the filth within the WT/JW Org, they can make a great story of Hypocrisy, Lying, Cover-up, and stupid ineptitude driven by ignorant Dogma.
Yes, but... where are the direct quotes in WT literature where they rip the Catholic Church abuse problem in the same way they ripped them from the platform? We've all HEARD their anti-Catholic rhetoric but we need it in print.
jehovah church faces flood of sex abuse cases.
"a woman who was abused from the age of four by a senior officer of the jehovahs witnesses has lodged a 500,000 claim for compensation in a test case that could open the door to hundreds more suits involving members of the religious organisation in the uk.".
From the newspaper:
A WOMAN who was abused from the age of four by a senior officer of the Jehovah’s Witnesses has lodged a 500,00 claim for compensation in a test case that could open the door to hundreds more suits involving members of the religious organization in the UK.
Judges sitting at the High Court in London have been told that Abigail (not her real name) was first molested after Bible-study classes in Leicestershire by Peter Stewart, a ministerial servant of the organization.
The abuse which included the alleged rape, continued for five years until Abigail was nine, and took place in her home, his home, in a shed and in cars, the court was told.
Lawyers and AO Advocates, which is representing her, have worked closely with the lawyers of an American woman, Candace Conti, to bring the case. Three years ago Conti was awarded $28m, the biggest religious sex-abuse payout for a single victim, after revealing that the Jehovah’s Witnesses had allowed one of its adult members to abuse her as a child.
“I brought the case because I wanted them to be sorry and I wanted them to change,” Abigail, now 29, told The Sunday Times last week in her first interview. She has since left the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
“They are a very insular organization. Any change to children’s lives is going to have to come from outside pressure. I tried for years to get an apology. It was degrading having to beg for an apology and I did not get one.”
The religious organization which Abigail’s lawyer, Kathleen Hallisey, describes as “male-dominated”, required girls to wear dresses, which made the abuse of Abigail easier, the court was told.
Stewart gave the little girl Quality Street chocolates and led her to believe that when Armageddon came she would not be saved because of their “fornication”. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the end of the world is immanent.
In 1995 Stewart was convicted of assaulting another child and sent to prison for five years. When he emerged, Abigail, terrified the abuse might resume, told the police about her own ordeal and Stewart was arrested and charged. He died in 2001 before the case came to trial.
Abigail said that she went to court for compensation because of the response of the senior members in the organization to whom she complained.
She claims that, following Stewart’s release, she went to the organization’s elders but was told that, “Because there was not a second witness to the abuse”, he would be reinstated as a ministerial servant. Eventually she confided in her husband, who urged her to take legal action.
“I want them to change and to change some of their practices, too. I would never have gone to court if I had had an apology,” she said.
“Victims of abuse are made to confront their perpetrators. I do not understand how this organization can organize meetings between perpetrators and victims. It is criminal that that is being done. That should stop. They also have a rule that there have to be two witnesses to abuse and they must be of good character.
“Abuse is regarded as a sin, not a crime. I want this to change to protect other children in the future.”
Lawyers suggested that the situation was reminiscent of that in the Catholic Church, with widespread abuse unreported to police.
“We expect this case to open the floodgates to dozens, if not hundreds, more cases,” said Hallisey. The firm already has six other clients who are awaiting the outcome of Abigail’s case before deciding whether to go to court.
Jehovah’s Witnesses as a Christian organization whose members are best known for preaching door-to-door and distributing religious literature such as The Watchtower and Awake! magazines. They are understood to be considering setting up high-street drop-in centers and have also recently started canvassing at Tube stations.
Abigail has found it difficult to hold down a job for long, did not complete a university education and suffers from a post-traumatic stress disorder. She has made several suicide attempts and told her lawyers she did not expect to live past the age of 30. It has affected me in every way,” she said. “It has changed who I would have been.”
A spokesman for the Jehovah’s Witnesses said: “While deeply sympathizing with any victims of abuse, we do not consider it appropriate to comment on a case where a ruling by the judge is still pending. “Jehovah’s Witness have an absolute and unequivocal abhorrence of child abuse. The care and safeguarding of children is extremely important to us. For decades we have published material to help parents and children to be protected from abuse.”
new to the site.
currently i am a ministerial servant and was told i was appointed to be an elder.
i told the brothers i was not ready for that assignment.
It's good to have a doctor in the house.
so.. some asshole visits another asshole but a mob erupts and wants to rape the visiting asshole.. the host asshole offers his daughter and the visiting asshole's concubine to appease the mob.. sure enough.. the concubine ends up gang raped and murdered.
in the morning the visiting asshole loads her up on his donkey, takes her home, dismembers her body into 12 pieces and sends it to all the tribes to incite war.. so an army of 22,000 is formed, some prick goes and asks jehovah if they should go and destroy the gang raping mob.. and jehovah says 'yes.. do it.
they go to fight and loose all 22,000 die.
Another comment was.. homosexuality is so bad that the host asshole would give up his daughter rather than having some dude get raped.
And the little gay boy or lesbian youth sitting quietly in the auditorium is asking, "Why am I such an abomination, God? Why won't you answer my prayers and change me? What did I do to offend you?"
Years later that young adult will have decided God's mind is made up, whatever the reason, so what's the point of trying... or in some cases, continuing.
Bravo, religion!