Anyone else leave the Society in part due to their treatment of gay people?
I left entirely because of the gay issue. All the other realizations came after my disassociation.
You cannot lay down such a hard line anti-gay policy and it not effect the attitudes of the masses towards gays. THEY SAY that they accept gays at the Kingdom Hall, and to be fair I experienced that from a few that knew I was gay. But by far the attitude was stand-offish by those who knew me, and a willingness to verbally trash, condemn, mock, joke and make fun of gays by those who didn't know me - didn't realize they were talking about me to my face.
The simplicity of "hate the sin, love the sinner" goes as far as the paper it is written on, for most. That rule falls apart when you have speakers from the platform ranting about how disgusting homos are, how obscene they are to look at in public, how demoralizing it is to be mistaken for one,... and the rants go on and on.
Later, when you wake up and realize homosexuality is not the sin you had always been led to believe it was, then: