Posts by Zoos
"Watchtowers growth strains budgets"
by zebulon ini live in orange county new york.
i posted once before a few weeks ago.
i am losing my family because of this org.
Watchtower couldn't care less. In fact they're probably snickering, "You think it hurts now? Wait til the sulfur starts falling." -
Updated Chronological Timeline of the Great Tribulation -- after the New Light from July Watchtower
by FusionTheism inthe july 15, 2015 study watchtower article entitled "your deliverance is getting near", along with the jw broadcasting video entitled "gerrit losch: fortified by "the prophetic word," and chapter 21 of the god's kingdom rules!
book presented a large amount of new light or clarified understanding of the events of the great tribulation.. here i am presenting it in chronological order -- this is the governing body's updated chronological order of events for the time right before the great tribulation through armageddon:.
the final sealing of the anointed occurs just prior to the outbreak of the tribulation.
- The Final Sealing of the Anointed occurs just prior to the outbreak of the Tribulation.
- The Cry of "Peace and Security!" happens.
- The Tribulation must begin before the Overlapping Generation dies.
- The United Nations ("Disgusting Thing") receives extra authority from the nations and outlaws the organizations within Christendom, confiscating their money and property.
- The United Nations then does the same thing to all other religious groups (Babylon),
- Now begins a short time of calm during the Great Tribulation. This period may last weeks, months, or perhaps even 4 years.
- Former members of false religion can choose to repent and assist the Anointed (thus becoming a sheep instead of a goat) as long as the Anointed are still alive..
- Signs in the Heavens and on the Earth now occur. This may be literal or it may be symbolic. We have to wait and see.
- A supernatural sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky when Jesus comes to judge the sheep and goats.
- Gog of Magog (a Coalition of Nations led by the mysterious King of the North) will get upset at theJudgment Message, and attack Jehovah's Witnesses, attempting to annihilate them.
- The Gathering of the Anointed occurs.
- Jesus arrives, along with the full 144,000 Anointed Ones, and they destroy Gog of Magog and all of the goats. This is the Battle of Armageddon.
- Satan and the demons are cast into the Abyss.
- The Heavenly Wedding Ceremony of Jesus and the 144,000 occurs.
- The Millennial Reign of Christ begins.
Aliens, please come to earth and kill us. -
Beel-Zebub is in the mouse.
If the Watchtower truly collapsed, how would you deal with your JW relatives?
by nicolaou inimagine the best case scenario.
the watchtower society implodes from within even making final printed admissions that it is voluntarily dismantling it's mission and legally dissolving the corporations.
oh happy day!
I don't have any JW relatives. They made that pretty clear. -
A big hello and thank you
by iwasblind ini just wanted to introduce myself and say a big hello to all of my mentally diseased friends.. i say friends because i have been lurking for some time so it feels like home (us lurkers are a bit scared and cautious so it takes a while).
i won't bore you with too many details, but i am a born in, currently serving as the cobe of a congregation.
my wife and i have pioneered for the last 10 years and were shaken awake by that ridiculous 15th july 2013 wt about the generation and 1914.. my wife who is much smarter than me has questioned for years.
Okay, we're going to have to set up a field office to process all these new escapees.
Or are WE that field office?
Welcome out, bro!
I had sex with my wife but now he’s my brother.
by John Aquila ingolden age 1930 apr 2 p.446.
question: will husband and wife live together after the resurrection is completed, if both are in harmony with god?.
the most that we know is that here will be no children born during the last 100 years of the millinnium (isa.
Or... You might become her sister.
What's good for the goose...
Just because we all become brothers doesn't mean we can't still enjoy sex. Millions of homos can't be wrong.
Perfect JW wife:
Comments at the WT this morning
by OneFingerSalute inso as i am "listening" to the wt study going on this question was asked.
"how do you feel about refined understanding?".
some of the comments were:.
Yep, a long time servant of Jah admitted it was BS right in the middle of the meeting.
But fear of apostasy and losing everything prevented her from admitting it before her human masters said it first. Don't tell me these people don't serve men.
behind the curtain: literature offer for the month
by Magnum ini was an extremely sincere, zealous pioneer.
i really cared about the people in the field.
i thought their lives were in danger.
The Insight volumes, published in '88, say that the Sodomites will be resurrected, which is not in line with current wishy-washy Org. teaching.
So... they used to believe that arrogant, overfed and unconcerned people who didn't help the poor and needy could be resurrected but now they think not?
That's weird.
Ezekiel 16:49, NIV - "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy."
I always thought they shifted the monthly literature offer around to keep us polished on the material and presentation techniques so we didn't get stuck in a rut.
JWs are being told Watchtower is financially strapped because they forgave Kingdom Hall mortgages!
by PokerPlayerPhil inhere's why the governing body did that little line on jw broadcasting, i have a source still inside new york and being as sneaky as ever, the watchtower is claiming they need the cash because they forgave the kingdom hall mortgages!
not all the kingdom halls are hitting the targeted monthly donation-revenue range, they are still asking other kingdom halls to pony up cash for kingdom halls that can't afford the "recommended donation rate".
pure evil, that's the jehovah"s witness watchtower theocratic war in action!
They unintentionally gave the impression that they were ok for cash that's why they lovingly forgave the loan. Little did the R&F know that the exact opposite had happened, and now Wt is thinking "oh shit"
Watchtower should be used to thinking, "Oh Shit!", with all the prediction failures and all.