I live here in South Carolina where all this church shooting and flag crap is going on. I have two observation to make.
Yes, there is a climate of racial prejudice in this area, practiced by a radical and minority on both sides. I happen to work in an environment where that minority (on the white side) is prevalent. When crimes committed by blacks hit the news the boys at work are quick to judge the entire race on the stupidity of the black offender. When this white boy shot up a church full of black folks... I heard crickets. Actually, I overheard one of our more voracious rednecks say, "The sad part is there were so many empty seats."
For the most part, I think mainstream black AND white folks couldn't care less whether that flag lives or dies. It's a non-issue that flares up amongst the "extremists" once in awhile and usually drags the rest of us reluctantly into the battle. I THINK I am sensing that correctly.
Those of us who don't really care one way or the other, I THINK, would like to just see the flag go away so we can be done with the stupidity. This issue flares up every couple of years around here, while you folks are getting a taste of it now because of the international attention on the church shooting. We also recognize that the only people who tend to fly the flag in their yards or on their vehicles, do seem to be of the type who are disappointed by the limited attendance at Emanuel AME church last week.