The courage of you folks who have lived through stuff like this never ceases to amaze me. Talk about "letting your light shine".
Go get 'em, UMBERTOECHO!
hello to those following what is going in australia with our royal commission.. i want to let all those abused, neglected, shunned and blamed that i understand why you may not front the rc.
the wtbts is hoping you will consider yourself an invalid complainant, because you are not or were not.....baptised.
if you were abused at a young age and you told on your dad or the bad man that did would have been taken aside by the overseer and read scriptures about lying and being immoral; even if you didn't know what that word meant.
The courage of you folks who have lived through stuff like this never ceases to amaze me. Talk about "letting your light shine".
Go get 'em, UMBERTOECHO!
so by now most of us have seen the clip of an elder getting owned by the attorney regarding why they don't seem to care for the children outside of the congregation by refusing to report suspected child abusers.
if not, here's a link:.
i cant wait for this to get bigger and bigger!!!
its sad that all of these people had such horrible things done to them, but now a bunch of crazy old perverts are going to pay for it!
For many elders... their world IS ending.
Welcome to the forum BoxOfRox.
on other discussion boards where active jws participate i notice them deflecting questions about the royal commission in australia by bringing up child abuse statistics of other churches, ostensibly to demonstrate that there is nothing news worthy to see here... "move along!".
they are trying to make this story disappear into obscurity, irrelevance, as if it's just part and parcel of big institutional life, particularly of the religious nature.
oh, now they compare themselves to every other religion on the block?.
watch the organization's literature shy away from overtly itemizing child sexual abuse as one of the evils of false religion
Armageddon better hurry up and get here or Watchtower won't have anything evil to talk about.
has anybody confronted any jws with the royal commission reports on the news yet?
i showed my 8-year old daughter a newspaper headline about it, and when she told my jw wife that the jws in australia were in trouble for not reporting over 1,000 child abusers to police, her response was "oh, really?
well, i don't know what the rules are over there.
I hear the sounds of a woman getting beat next door all the time.
Oh well. I don't know what the rules are over there.
(before you jump on me... think sarcasm)
on other discussion boards where active jws participate i notice them deflecting questions about the royal commission in australia by bringing up child abuse statistics of other churches, ostensibly to demonstrate that there is nothing news worthy to see here... "move along!".
they are trying to make this story disappear into obscurity, irrelevance, as if it's just part and parcel of big institutional life, particularly of the religious nature.
oh, now they compare themselves to every other religion on the block?.
Great quotes, SPLASH. I'll be using them very soon.
Thank you!,-july-2015,-sydney.
I think other western countries will definitely take notice and go on the offensive as well.
If this happens I will swim to Australia and kiss the Commission's feet.
on other discussion boards where active jws participate i notice them deflecting questions about the royal commission in australia by bringing up child abuse statistics of other churches, ostensibly to demonstrate that there is nothing news worthy to see here... "move along!".
they are trying to make this story disappear into obscurity, irrelevance, as if it's just part and parcel of big institutional life, particularly of the religious nature.
oh, now they compare themselves to every other religion on the block?.
On other discussion boards where active JWs participate I notice them deflecting questions about the Royal Commission in Australia by bringing up child abuse statistics of other churches, ostensibly to demonstrate that there is nothing news worthy to see here... "move along!"
They are trying to make this story disappear into obscurity, irrelevance, as if it's just part and parcel of big institutional life, particularly of the religious nature. Oh, NOW they compare themselves to every other religion on the block?
Jehovah's Witnesses have spent their lives slamming all other religions as "less than", "counterfeit", "Satan's institutions", "The Whore of Babylon". The Watchtower has never hesitated to decry other religious institutions as slated for destruction at Armageddon. Jehovah's Witnesses will not even associate with non-JWs for fear of getting false religious "icky" on them. Jehovah's Witnesses are the clean people, righteous, acceptable to and loved by God to the exclusion of all other people and groups. Jehovah's Witnesses and their glorious organization are the beaming light of purity and truth, hand selected by God, guided and directed by God, those to whom all mankind must flow for salvation.
.... until they get caught with their britches down and now they want to hide in obscurity amongst the religions of the world.
i have discussed this with a few jw relatives.
all have tried to pass this off as a case to review a few bad cases.. highlight to them the name of the inquiry:.
royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse.
I'd hardly call 1006 REPORTED cases in Australia alone a few cases!
Not cases. 1006 INDIVIDUAL predators... who likely produced several cases each.
Wonder how many instances went unreported, especially back in the day when such things were not talked about.
paedophiles repeatedly promoted to positions of authority in jehovahs witness church royal commission told.
1 hour ago july 27, 2015 12:45pm.
counsel assisting the royal commission, angus stewart sc has told the royal commission that church elders could now face criminal charges.