You keep dodging my questions regardinng exploitation of children within your cult. Why? No balls? No brains? Which is it? Step up to the plate, put up, or shut up.
jehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
You keep dodging my questions regardinng exploitation of children within your cult. Why? No balls? No brains? Which is it? Step up to the plate, put up, or shut up.
jehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
I personally could care less whether you stay or leave. Your attempt to justify the exploitation of children that is rampant in your cult speaks volumes about your character. I wouldn't trust a person like you anywhere near my children.
jehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
Genius? If running from questions is a sign of ingenuity, you most definitely are a genius!
Edited by - 144thousand_and_one on 17 June 2002 17:30:27
jehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
No confusion, mevirginia. Fred needs a new groomer; the current one has problems dealing with cats.
jehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
Are you running from the discomfort that the issue of rampant exploitation of children within your cult causes you? Your cover is blown, you're just another dirtbag who supports the exploitation of children. Like other idiots who've tried unsuccessfully to defend the undefendable, you ignore valid issues that are presented to you as you have no answers or defense.
I have no respect for those who engage in or approve of exploitation of children. You're just the gristle of life.
Edited by - 144thousand_and_one on 17 June 2002 15:9:17
Edited by - 144thousand_and_one on 17 June 2002 15:38:42
hey kim norris,it would appear i owe you an appology.when i first saw your post i figured it was one of our board pranksters up to no facts would bear out,your for real.i`am happy for that,this board can use more people who are concerned for abused are a very welcome poster here.i appologize to you,for not checking you out before i made my post.i do hope you will stay...outlaw edited by - outlaw on 13 june 2002 23:13:35.
Thanks for honoring your words and showing some graciousness. For whatever it's worth, I've gained a lot of respect for you. Peace!
jehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
What about those who loathe going from door to door and do so only because they are coerced by their parents? You don't give a shit about these children, but you are sure proud to be part of an organization that benefits from and encourages their exploitation.
I noticed your use of the word "it" when referring to children in your house. Do you consider them to be property, hence, your use of "it" to describe them? I guess that explains why you think it's OK to treat children as slaves. They don't have any rights or feelings, they are merely property to be exploited for the benefit of the Watchtower cult.
As a person who is not only a member of the cult responsible for this exploitation of children, but one who now speaks in defense of this evil practice, you have lots to be ashamed of. Your cult has destroyed many lives and mentally damaged countless others. Some day, it will consume you too.
jehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
You claim that only "true christians" go from door to door, but what about exploited children who have the misfortune of being born into a family that is part of the JW cult? I slaved from door to door as a young child, but never believed in the bullshit that your cult forced down my throat. I was truly a slave, as I hated going from door to door and only did so under the duress of a severe beating for non-compliance. I terminated all my association with JWs at the age of 14, but paid the price for doing so.
Your words make me feel like puking and I hope that if you have or someday have kids, you won't force them in any way to participate in this practice. It's a practice encouraged by your cult as they benefit from the marketing labor of children and could care less about the impact they have on the lives of innocent children. In fact, much of my resentment towards your cult is attributable to the exploitation I endured that benefitted the corporations that run your cult. Money could not compensate for the misery your cult inflicted upon my childhood.
As for your comments about educating college grads, nice pipe dream. Got any extra of the stuff that gives you these delusions?
does every issue of morality have to be compared with the thinking and teaching of jehovahs witnesses?
simply because you are no longer jehovahs witnesses does that mean that you flaunt all moral authority and engaged in any perverted pleasure that you have a mind to?
because your morality is no longer legislated by a pseudo religious organization does that give you license to engage in all acts of "immorality" and refer to it "as just having fun.
Thanks for admitting that you were being judgmental. You certainly have the right to be judgmental, but if you say you aren't, then you should expect to hear some rebuttal. I was with you on your substance, just didn't like the accompanying attack on the morality of others that seemed to be somewhat behind your reasoning.
Obviously, no one will agree on where the morality line ought to be placed, that's why we're lucky to have Simon to make that choice for us. From what I've seen, he's by no means been heavy-handed in this regard. Even if I were to disagree with him (which I don't), I would defer to and respect his judgment on these matters.
BTW, Dutchie, I know you said no public disclosure of your photos, but how 'bout one via email just for me? LOL!
Edited by - 144thousand_and_one on 16 June 2002 11:13:46
Edited by - 144thousand_and_one on 16 June 2002 11:15:1
does every issue of morality have to be compared with the thinking and teaching of jehovahs witnesses?
simply because you are no longer jehovahs witnesses does that mean that you flaunt all moral authority and engaged in any perverted pleasure that you have a mind to?
because your morality is no longer legislated by a pseudo religious organization does that give you license to engage in all acts of "immorality" and refer to it "as just having fun.
Any time, Dutchie, except next time I think you'll need a better teacher as I don't think I got my point across.