Darkening under the chin even though his beard growth is minimal.
Which chin?
original reddit post (removed).
Darkening under the chin even though his beard growth is minimal.
Which chin?
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Only D-bags drive BMW's anymore.
I've been driving BMWs for decades now, and I currently own a BMW, among other vehicles. So, according to you, I am a D-bag.
No rich person I know buys a luxury vehicle, they LEASE it.
Obviously, you don't know many "rich" people.
Only suckers BUY luxury vehicles, and only dumb ghetto trash buy USED luxury vehicles.
Luxury vehicles are purchased by those who can afford them. It's pretty obvious to me that you can't. Does that make you any less of a person than someone who can? It certainly doesn't to me. But what does make me think less of you is the content of your post, including your repugnant effort to stereotype those who purchase used luxury vehicles as "dumb ghetto trash."
As I've said before, a person can leave the kingdom hall, but in many cases, the kingdom hall doesn't leave that person. You are an excellent illustration of that reality.
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But really, is this how low he's sunk? Trying to drag unbaptised publishers into his arena to be put on display and harangued for views?
I can't imagine watching any of SlobLloyd's content, beyond the couple of videos that I've viewed over the last decade. I find his voice to be nauseating and his physical appearance to be revolting. The allegations regarding sex workers in Thailand are no surprise to me.
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Apparently "Spunk" is affiliated with the National and University Library in Zagreb, which is the national library of Croatia and central library of the University of Zagreb, and so is often frequented by students.
That explains the attraction for LE!
I doubt any students will be impressed with SlobLloyd. "Look at that old creep; he looks like he has spunk on his head!"
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If he were serious about this lawsuit and the “defamation” he’d retain counsel in the relevant countries. The easiest place for him to do so would be the UK due to his citizenship and the libel laws there. But the problem for him is that the two UK “defendants” are the Lathams, who have done little more than comment on information either handed to them or commented on by Lloyd himself.
In the UK, he has another problem. British courts require that plaintiffs pay a deposit to the court as "security for costs." This is required for the protection of defendants, because the plaintiff is liable for the defendant's legal fees if Plaintiff does not win the lawsuit. Additionally, UK barristers are extremely expensive. I had a situation years ago where I had to hire a barrister in the UK, and it was very expensive compared to the price of a US lawyer.
Suing 7 non-Croatian citizen/residents in what amounts to the butthole of Croatia in Sisak is akin to asking the sheriff from the Dukes of Hazzard to serve Putin with an arrest warrant.
I believe that Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane has a better chance of arresting Putin than SlobLloyd's chances of prevailing in a lawsuit for defamation in this situation. SlobLloyd does bear some resemblance to Boss Hawg, but the actor who played that part was better-looking than SlobLloyd.
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There was a shakedown letter from a lawyer with the threat of a lawsuit, it seemed like they hoped people would just pay some money but they couldn't even put any effort into responding to enquiries.
Unless and until someone is served papers, there isn't any lawsuit.
The lawsuit can be filed but not served, so technically, a lawsuit could exist. But until the service of process happens, effectively there is no lawsuit, as the service is necessary for the court to obtain jurisdiction over the defendants. Additionally, serving the defendants in this situation is not as simple as hiring a process server to serve them. It will require lawyers (and payment of lawyer fees) in every country where a defendant resides, as well as a thorough analysis of treaties that may exist between the countries governing the exercise of jurisdiction by Croatian courts in the other countries as well as an analysis of the relevant laws in of each of the countries where a defendant resides. This would be a very expensive feat to pull off, and based on the publicly available financial statements relating to his business that I was able to observe online, I don't believe that he has anywhere near the financial resources necessary to pull that off.
I have no knowledge whatsoever of Croatian law, but I doubt that Croatian courts will allow a lawsuit to sit without being served. There is likely a time limit on service that will result in dismissal of the lawsuit if the papers are not served within the required time.
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"We know they’re real because Kim says they are real"
That's not how proof works. Are you really that gullible?
Actually that is how proof works. Documents are authenticated by individuals on a daily basis in courts around the world. The individual(s) authenticating the documents are not required to be the authors. Are you really that ignorant?
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I wonder if any of his flying monkeys would openly admit if they would go to a prostitute for sex?
In my opinion, any person who supports that disgusting slob is likely to need to pay for intimacy.
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One of Lloyds biggest lie is trying to make out that it's "human" to visit sex workers.
Rationalizing his disgusting conduct appears to be one of his coping mechanisms.
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I think most mature adults understand that nobody is perfect and that we all make mistakes. My mistake was to be unfaithful to my partner and I'll always be sorry about that.
But as I've said before, nobody deserves to be bullied, harassed and character assassinated across multiple social media platforms simply for being human.
From what I've seen, there's no "mistake." I think Fats is only sorry about the impact it has had on his business.
I've been on this planet much longer than Fats. Somehow, I've managed to "be human" while not engaging or even contemplating the engagement of prostitutes. I've also managed to survive without begging others for money.