They were working for Jah and he doesnt tolerate slackers or broken promises of 90 hours.
I remember when I pioneered hearing all of that garbage. Sheeeeesh it was like I was working for the frigin gestapo.
does anyone have this experience.
in our cong, there are a lot of pioneers, i know most of them.
yet, all i hear when i ask how they are doing is that 'i need my time!
They were working for Jah and he doesnt tolerate slackers or broken promises of 90 hours.
I remember when I pioneered hearing all of that garbage. Sheeeeesh it was like I was working for the frigin gestapo.
i know if any of us had our way the org.
would be gone tomorrow.
but in realistic terms, what condition will this cruel organization be in in 20 years.. .
I just thought I would make this a "hot topic" before it disappeared.
i know if any of us had our way the org.
would be gone tomorrow.
but in realistic terms, what condition will this cruel organization be in in 20 years.. .
I know if any of us had our way the org. would be gone tomorrow. But in realistic terms, what condition will this cruel organization be in in 20 years.
My guess is that it will still be around, but I believe that the numbers will actually decrease. If there are 6.2 million today, in twenty years I believe there will be 4 million worldwide. I say this for a couple of reasons. Times are changing and watchtower will not, also people through efforts like ours will educate and inform others of the way they abuse their own in so many different ways. This will lead to the braindead brainwashed staying and those with backbone to leave.
to another level...supreme one.. do i get a prize....i would like a hot fudge turtle sundae.. blondie
one of the cornerstones of jw's is counsel.
they just love to give counsel and many times they will literally make things up just for the sake of counsel.
i was once counselled for joking around too much.
Blacksheep: They are so brain dead !!!!! It is so hard to fathom that these stupid, uneducated, idiotic. short-sighted men actually provide advice and counsel to people!!
one of the cornerstones of jw's is counsel.
they just love to give counsel and many times they will literally make things up just for the sake of counsel.
i was once counselled for joking around too much.
When we truly believed that these moronic men held life and death before us, it was amazing what we did and what we put up with. It really is liberating that we can look back now at the stupid things told to us and understand that we will never ever be put through that abusive life again.
They hold no power over us any longer!!!!!
one of the cornerstones of jw's is counsel.
they just love to give counsel and many times they will literally make things up just for the sake of counsel.
i was once counselled for joking around too much.
Shotgun: Wow the love of these guys is so tremendous. After reading all of these posts - WHO REALLY ARE THE MODERN DAY PHARISEE'S - so obvious, they really do put rules and traditions ahead of love.
many ancients including confucious and lao tzu took opposing views about this subject and their arguments are fascinating to read.
their arguments are nearly 2,500 years old.
the greeks also lively debated this question.. of course, as dubs (and in fact, in most christian faiths) we were taught that man was born inherently evil, and the quest is to overcome that and work towards the good.
If I had to choose I would say people are born with a stronger tendancy to do good. One reason I say this, think about how we react when something evil/horrible takes place. It disturbs us. No matter how often we hear about people who were murdered, it makes us feel bad, we feel instant stress. We still, after hearing thousands of reports of horrible things happen to people, feel shocked. It still feels abnormal, unnatural to us.
Yet when someone does something good, whether to ourselves or to someone else, it doesn't provide the same level of intesity to us. It is something that is almost expected. For example if our hands are full and someone ahead of us doesn't hold the door for us, the disturbance we would feel is much greater than the thankfullness we would feel if someone did.
If we were to say that people are born with a stronger tendancy to do evil, then evil things wouldn't shock us or disturb us that much. But that just isn't the case.
don't know if this has been done but it it has my apologies.
.i was just listening to the beatles, abbey road.
i consider this as one of the great musical albums of all time.
are you: a minority group called "jew" a majority group called "greek" a minority group called "christian"
to believe in christ, the jews asked for a powerful sign, before they would believe.. to believe in christ, the greeks appealed to logic and wisdom, before they would believe.. to believe in christ, the christians simply believed, and treated it as a personal calling.. which category do you believe you fall into 1, 2 or 3?.
.. 1cor.1:22-25 - the message.
I am defintley Greek. Since God gave us a brain, it makes sense that we use it when it comes to the most important thing that we will ever accept. Unfortunatley there are way too many holes when it comes to the bible.