JoinedTopics Started by micheal
I'm so cool, I'm doing mikes!!
by micheal in.
did you ever notice how some guys ( because only males are allowed to do anything ) thought they were so cool just because they did mikes or were behind the magazine counter.
why did they feel this way and what else can you think of that in reality was kinda stupid but to these guys felt really important and special to do?
Would the world be a better place without religion?
by micheal ini understand we all need guidance and some people need hope, even if it is not real.
but personally, i believe religion has caused so many hideous crimes against humanity that it is something we would all be better off without.. it really is too bad that religion has capitalized on humankind's need for a divine being to only abuse and control its fellow humans.. so, what do you think?
would we be better of without religion?.
Idiotic things only a jw would say
by micheal ina c.o in one of his friday night talks noticed when he was invited for meals at the brothers and sisters homes that everyone has their chairs and sofa's pointed at the direction of the television set and asked why do people do that.
then he went on to strongly suggest that everyone change this and either have their furniture pointed somewhere else or get rid of the television.
what a total moron!!
Very Interesting
by micheal inproposed un resolution would effectively ban religion
a draft resolution which aims to secure global peace and stability at the expense of organized religion is today being submitted to the united nations in new york.
new york, ny (prweb) january 27, 2004 -- a draft resolution which aims to secure global peace and stability at the expense of organized religion is today being submitted to the united nations in new york.
"Good News of God's Kingdom"?
by micheal inwhat's so good about it?
99.9% of earth's population will be wiped off the planet.
humm...(rubs chin with fingers) last time i checked, having over six billion men, women and children destroyed isn't so good.
Elder phoned me last night
by micheal inhavn't heard anything from them in a year.
out of the blue i have recieved two phone calls in the last week.
of course having caller id i never answerd.
It just doesn't add up
by micheal in.
was there any particular event, teaching, experience where it all came together for you when you really questioned the "truth", or believed it wasn't it couldn't be god's organization?.
when did you realize and say to yourself, this just doesn't add up?
Are we just being "sifted" out?
by micheal inthis is an expression all of us heard and read about in the wt.
this is also an agrument someone used on me because i am not and have no desire to go to meetings.
i for one believe this agrument that i as well as all of you are just being "sifted" out of "jehovah's organization" because we are "hard headed" is nothing more than a pile of crap.. .
I outgrew the "truth"
by micheal inas the saying goes, "you only live once".
with that, after being a witness for 15 years it was just time to move on to something else.. .
yes i believe the witnesses do not have the ultimate truth as they believe they do, which helped in my decision to move on.