I did some investigations and research into the elders that were on my committee back in 1984 when they
gave me my first ass whooping.
I remember them all telling me that I would never be happy out of the organisation and that my life will descend
into the dark mire and swamp of sin, debauchery, depression and madness.
Well.. on that note I walked away.
28 years later I did some checking up on the spiritual well being of said elders and was quite aghast as what I found.
Elder 1.
His son who was an exemplary long serving stellar regular pioneer ended up getting involved with an under-age baptised
sister in the Congregation and caused an absolute scandal and ended up going completely mad and got booted out!
The elder/father himself a real upstanding virtuous to a fault pillar of the congregation went on a business trip to Thailand fell in love and ran off with a hooker. His wife divorced him and he got dis-fellowshipped.
Elder 2.
Another pillar and upstanding and righteous family 3 generations deep. He had 5 children all raised in the truth. The youngest decided he was gay and went also mad. The second turned apostate and ran off with a middle eastern sister. The second oldest also turned hardcore apostate and fled to America.
Elder 3.
Same as above except 2 of his children went mad, one was sectioned in a mental institution and is now on medication for life and the other was dis-fellowshipped for long love affair with cocaine addiction.
Elder 4.
Was removed from being an elder for sexually molesting a sister during a shepherding visit.
Elder 5.
Had a nervous breakdown and his wife too and both spent time under mental care services. Their youngest son also went crazy and was in a mental institution at last hearing. Second daughter left the truth too.
Me? I'm sane (mostly), not on drugs, have never been a mental health patient, did not go mad or sink into the satanic debauchery and devil worship as predicted by said elders my supposed spiritual guides..
Moral? 'Da Troof' can be very bad for your health and well being.
JoinedPosts by Dis-Member
The benefits of being out of the Organisation..
by Dis-Member inelder 1. .
elder 2.. .
elder 3.. .
I am very very impressed with this video: GOD'S SELF-APPOINTED MESSENGERS
by Terry inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elfyya420f0.
Watched all 3 Terry. Lot's of food for thought right there. Thank yo for sharing.
Are You Right or Left Brain Dominant?
by cofty inactually it turns out that we are neither.. this is one of 7 myths about your brain that are debunked in the following short science alert video.. ....
In the KH and out of it..
"You know, you're only using 10 percent of your brain. Just imagine what you could accomplish if you used the other 90 percent!"
Chances are high that you have heard someone make a similar comment at some time or another. The popularly and widely spread belief that we only use or have access to 10 percent of our brain's power is often used to speculate about the extent of human abilities if only we could utilize our brain's full capacity.
In reality, this claim is 100 percent myth. We use all of our brain. The only instances where there are unused regions of the brain are those in which brain damage or disease has destroyed certain regions.
The Origins of the Myth
Researchers suggest that this popular urban legend has existed since at least the early 1900s. It may have been influenced by people misunderstanding or misinterpreting neurological research. The 10 percent myth may have emerged from the writings of psychologist and philosopher William James. In his 1908 book, The Energies of Men, he wrote, "We are making use of only a small part of our possible mental and physical resources."
The myth has perpetuated much like other urban legends. Well-intentioned people such as motivational speakers or teachers often cite the 10 percent myth as a way to demonstrate that all people should strive to live up to their full potential. Unfortunately, less well-meaning people have also used the myth to promote and sell products and services that they claim will unlock your brain's hidden potential.
Debunking the 10 Percent Myth
Neuroscientists point out a number of reasons why the 10 percent myth is false:
- Brain imaging scans clearly show that almost all regions of the brain are active during even fairly routine tasks such as talking, walking, and listening to music.
- If the 10 percent myth were true, people who suffer brain damage as the result of an accident or stroke would probably not notice any real effect. In reality, there isn't a single area of the brain that can be damaged without resulting in some sort of consequence.
- We would not have evolved such large brains if we were only using such a tiny portion of them.
- The brain uses approximately 20 percent of the body's energy. It would make little evolutionary sense to have such a large portion of our energy resources utilized by such a tiny amount of the brain.
- Brain mapping research has yet to find any region of the brain that does not serve a function. "Numerous types of brain imaging studies show that no area of the brain is completely silent or inactive," wrote Dr. Rachel C. Vreeman and Dr. Aaron E. Carroll in a study of medical myths. "Detailed probing of the brain has failed to identify the 'non-functioning' 90 percent."
Unfortunately, the 10 percent myth remains both popular and persistent. It has been repeated in popular culture in everything from advertisements to television programs. The next time you hear someone claim that we only use 10 percent of our brains, you'll be able to explain why this statement is not true. Not to say that human beings don't have amazing potential – we just use 100 percent of our brains to accomplish these remarkable feats.
Listening to crisis of conscience as a audio book
by foreverme inhas really made me wonder how i ever got involved with the watchtower.
it basically comes down to me just wanting to believe this delusional belief system.
millions of people wasting their lives in this way is incredible.
Thank you for the link WT..
"God-breathed Scriptures"
by Doug Mason inmy study responds to the articles inspiration and canon in the book, insight on the scriptures.
there can be few topics of more significance, regardless of ones attitude to the bible.. http://www.jwstudies.com/god-breathed_scriptures.pdf .
Fascinating!.. thank you for this Doug. Also part of my library now.
Are You Right or Left Brain Dominant?
by cofty inactually it turns out that we are neither.. this is one of 7 myths about your brain that are debunked in the following short science alert video.. ....
It's funny that what was once lauded as fact and established and proven by the biggest names and authorities in science suddenly becomes myth.
Yup.. the answer is we are whole brained. (well.. that's another debate)
How the idea started:
It makes me wonder how many other myths are being believed as scientifically proven facts.
What Specifically Are the "Sins" Due to Imperfection that We Commit Each Day ?
by RubaDub inas jw's we are constantly reminded that we sin each day due to imperfection.
but when bringing up the specifics, i have never gotten a good answer.. several times i have even mentioned to others of my getting up on a sunday morning, reading the daily text, studying the watchtower for the afternoon meeting, driving to the meeting (under the speed limit), answering at the meeting, (not using more than one towel in the restroom), going out in service later in the afternoon, coming home, having dinner, and then in the evening preparing for a part for the ministry school.. i didn't recall scheming in my heart about doing something bad or anything like that.. so, specifically, where does the "sin" come in?
and if what i did was sinful, how can i improve on it?
Being alive..
Another cheery video for the kids on jw.dork
by konceptual99 inhttp://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/family/children/become-jehovahs-friend/videos/kids-animated-videos/.
Wow.. how do ordinary window cleaning brothers manage to get such work in high end design and animation studios when acquiring the basic qualifications for working in such a field are thoroughly disapproved by the organisation and can cost you all your privileges for years to come?
Here in the UK for example:
Most animators have a degree or an HNC/HND.
Many universities and colleges throughout the UK offer courses in animation and other relevant art and design courses. Skillset, in consultation with the industry and education providers, has endorsed the following courses:
- HND in Art & Design (Computer Animation) and Degree in Animation at the Glamorgan Centre for Art & Design
- Degree in Animation Production at the Arts Institute at Bournemouth
- Degree in Computer Visualisation and Animation at Bournemouth University
- Degree in Animation at the University of Wales, Newport
- Degree in Animation at University College for the Creative Arts at Farnham
- Degree in Computer Animation at the University of Teesside.
Entry requirements vary and candidates are advised to check with individual institutions. However, in general, in England, Northern Ireland and Wales, many people do a foundation course in art and design before starting a degree course. Typical qualifications required are five GCSEs/S grades (A-C/1-3), and sometimes an A level/H grade.
In Scotland, many degree courses last four years, with an introductory year rather than an art foundation year.
For degree courses, applicants usually need a minimum of two A levels/three H grades and five GCSEs/S grades (A-C/1-3), or equivalent qualifications.
For HND courses, typical entry requirements are one A level/two H grades in art and design subjects, or a BTEC national certificate/diploma in a relevant subject, or equivalent.
In the USA:
Animators working in 3D often have a bachelor's degree and multiple certificates in important software tools. At a university, a 3D animator may major in design or computer engineering. Design programs at major schools such as the School of Visual Arts in New York City allow students to learn the overall knowledge of the design field and then specialize in animation, advertising or other areas. When you are starting out or working freelance, certificates acknowledging your mastery of important software such as Adobe Creative Suite, modo, Softimage or AutoCAD are key.
Perhaps you can learn all this from reading the Awake! magazine so you can Animate where the need is greater.
Party in the kingdom hall!
by StephaneLaliberte incheck it out and download before i am forced to take it down!.
Most of them are Cofty, that's what makes this place so interesting.