I'm not sure that these men have suffered evil as though innocently attacked from some outside source. (ala Job) or like evil just fell out of the sky and landed on their heads. I'm afrad they were very much the orchestrators of their fates.
Dumping your long time loyal and faithful wife of 30 years and your family of 3 children and running of with a Thai prostitute is not suffering evil.
Abusing your position of trust as an elder and sexually molesting a vulnerable sister while you are meant to be responsible for helping her build up her spirituality is not suffering evil.
5 different elders from the same BOE raising several generations of offspring so badly that nearly every single one of them utterly shipwrecked and/or completely fled the religion in the most extreme and dramatic ways imaginable is not suffering evil.
I also think that this kind of stuff is far more common than some would like to think. It's just all hidden and covered up so neatly by those people in this religion.
Not sure what one would call this.. but 'suffering evil' is not a phrase or description I would choose.
Luke 8:17
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.