Completey normal. A listed symptom of menapuase is 'childish acts'.
JoinedPosts by Dis-Member
Am I a bad person for wishing this??
by quellycatface ini have suffered with menopausal symptoms for a few years now.
hot flushes and facial sweating, the most noticeable to others.. a sister i knew used to laugh and pretty much, mock me.
i used to say "you wait till you get them" , without being nasty.. i seriously hope she suffers.
Speculation: Female Ministerial Servants coming soon
by Londo111 inive no source for this, just personal speculation.. * there is a good case to be made that there were female deacons (ministerial servants) in the bible.. * there is a lack of qualified brothers for basic assignments such as microphones, accounts, literature.
in some cases, elders have had to do double duty because of a lack of ministerial servants or qualified brothers.. * women outnumber men in the organization.. * there is supposedly a surprising change coming "down the pipe".. perhaps the only difference between male and female ministerial servants is that women will still not be allowed to teach..
What 'spritual qualifications' do you need to hold a mic or hold a door open again?
Because there is really absolutely nothing of any real importance to do in their entire system they have no choice but
to pretend there is deep meaning and significance in the utterly mundane and banal.
American English Standards Manual, 9/98 ¡leaked!
by hildebrando in"the rules and principles of the standards manual are applied to english text so that the english publications of the watch tower society have a consistent style.. the standards manual does not set standards for languages other than english.
each language has its own principles and characteristics to which to conform.
see branch organization for the function of the english manual with respect to other languages.. legitimate exceptions to principles of the standards manual may be appropriate for somefeature of text that has specialized content or purpose.
Delete Personal Messages
by Maranatha ini've never been on a website that doesn't allow you to delete your own personal messages.
why can we not do that on this site?
what are your motives in keeping our personal messages?
I've never been on a website that doesn't allow you to delete your own personal messages. Why can we not do that on this site? What are your motives in keeping our personal messages? Why can't we delete our accounts either?
Why has everyone just completely skipped answering these two very valid and important questions? Having no control of your own messages and inbox is very abnormal. In 25 years online and in countless forums I have never seen anything like this.
Modern JW Org
by Infowarrior in
They told me all rock'n'roll music was Satanic..
The Complete Scammer's Guide - by "Pastor" Russell (New Light!)
by Focus inmost of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
Blimey you guys are something else!
Name Some Things That JWs Look Down Upon That Normal People Wouldn't Even Think About?
by minimus injws look down on others for saying, "bless you" if someone sneezes.
it has something to do with the demons.
another example is that it is considered satanic if a man took his hat off for a lady!
A year before going back to meetings I shot the celeb filled birthday celebrations of Nobel Prize winner and ex Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev at the Royal Albert Hall in London.
For months after I got emails from elders brothers and sisters from different congregations scolding me for doing it and telling me never to contact them again.
Bizarre considering I was not even in any way involved with the witnesses when I did that.
2014 God's Kingdom Rules PDF!
by Atlantis in2014 god's kingdom rules pdf!
we would like to thank cedars who contacted a friend who sent us the book to scan.
the sender was promised that the book would be rerurned to them unharmed.
FYI, when I downloaded this, three different virus and malware scanners picked up adware embedded.
Documents with text only are harmless. Some documents can be enriched with active content, like scripts. These scripts are run by the rendering software, like your PDF reader. If the script is malicious and your software vulnerable to the code written in script and executed, then your system might be compromised.
Disable scripting in PDF software.
Use Foxit Reader rather than Acrobat Reader.
Try Foxit. It's 1.5MB versus 150MB of Acrobat, does not install 700 useless registry keys, 10 times faster, 10 times smoother, no vulnerabilities, no need to reboot to upgrade. -
Who Buy's Food From the Food Bank? Would the Watchtower Permit This?
by BucketShopBill inhello everyone on jwn, allow me to introduce some of the qualifed agenices who legally use our services provided by the food bank.
as a fading jw i am trying to find ways to fill up the time i wasted in field circus and try to make this world a better place.
the food bank is used by our judicial system, we get lots of low-level criminals doing community service, every other day i hear "what did you do?
No one buys food from food banks.. the food they provide is free no? In the UK it is.
The watchtower does absolutely nothing to help the poor or homesless anywhere on this earth. When it comes to money and charity and giving to those in need and to strangers I have never see such a group of utterly closed fisted individuals as I have seen among the witnesses.
The benefits of being out of the Organisation..
by Dis-Member inelder 1. .
elder 2.. .
elder 3.. .
Me describing what took place is hardly me being cruel. It's simply stating the facts. That's what happened.
Mad adjective mentally ill; insane.
synonyms: insane, mentally ill, certifiable, deranged, demented, of unsound mind, out of one's mind, not in one's right mind, sick in the head, not together, crazy, crazed, lunatic, non compos mentis, unbalanced, unhinged, unstable, disturbed, distracted, stark mad, manic, frenzied, raving, distraught, frantic, hysterical, delirious, psychotic, I like to call a spade a spade. What do you call it? An implement for disturbing the earth?
Seems like you also want to blame me for how their lives have turned out. Interesting.