.. and people will say: "Oh but you only need to have faith!"
Faith in what? In God? In Jesus? I would dearly love to!
But I have never seen, met, heard or had any confirmable interaction from either God or Jesus ever in my life. So what people are really telling you to have faith in is the opinions, views, intepretations, research, studies, writings, rantings, and mere gossip of others that you have also never seen, met, heard or had any interaction with. (not that that would make any difference)
For me to have a real non-fantasy faith I need it to come from God or Jesus themselves and no one else. The faith that God and Jesus ask of us surely can not come from or be based merely upon a story of a story of a story of a story of a rumour of half a tale.
Neither can it be based upon my own pathetic ability to determine and decipher what was the 'truth' of events that may or may not have taken place in some cases up to four and a half thousand years ago.
The Bible says that he is not the historical God of fable and legend but the 'Living True God of Now'.
In all our weakeness, imperfection, fallibility, insecurity, living in a world full of millenia of uncertainty, lies, deception and fraud, it would be a very small thing for this living God to not leave us fumbling in the dark but to reach out one little finger and just touch us and let us know he is here..