"Over 900,000 hits per day!.
These numbers are shere trickery.
A 'web hit' means little and is not a unique visitor.
Technical definition of a hit
Each file sent to a browser by a web server is an individual hit.
Technical definition of a pageview
A pageview is each time a visitor views a page on your website, regardless of how many hits are generated. Pages are comprised of files. Every image in a page is a separate file. When a visitor looks at a page (a pageview), they may see numerous images, graphics, pictures etc. and generate multiple hits.
For example, if you have a page with 10 pictures, then a request to a server to view that page generates 11 hits (10 for the pictures, and one for the html file). A page view can contain hundreds of hits. This is the reason that we measure page views and not hits.
Conclusion: hits are not a reliable way to measure website traffic.
So.. a single elder viewing jw.org on his Ipad in one hour just by looking at 10 different pages can generate 100's of hits. How many elders are on jw.org?
Traffic to jw.org is estimated to be decreasing within the last 3 months. 30% of visitors are located in the USA and Mexico alone.
This months visitors were 866,986 a drop of 4%. According to the web stats, actual visitors to jw.org are actually dropping each month.
The Site was launched at Monday, 27 October 1997 and is 16 years and 10 months old. For a 16 year old site it's really not doing so well.