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using kindle/ tablet/ iPad in meetings how to police?
by purrpurr ini've noticed about half my half are using these.
of course there's always the potential for people to be looking at things non jw on them.
are the society going to find a way to police this?
Women Please give us men a little credit, we are not so dumb.
by jam inthe wife and i had a argument of all things, the correct way.
to peel an egg.. i'm making tuna salad and she comes up.
and looking over my shoulder, "you know that's not the correct.
I'll take you both on! Eggs at Dawn!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XudEBUi4yZc -
Indianapolis Assembly Hall Chorus AMAZING!
by NoMoreHustle inthis is what wt has been producing, this had my bottom jaw on the carpet while i was watching (like the footloose one).
and they say there different from other religions yeah right!!.
i hope this link works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vahglagd2i.
Well I realized after I left they were just like any other religion out there! Here's proof! No difference!
Singing a song makes does not make them any different from what they really are.
It's only 'amazing' if one has never seen the real thing.
Wanna see a real gospel chior? This will have your hairs standing up.
the org like Dr Evil - out of touch
by Magnum ini keep getting an image of dr. evil in my head whenever i think of jws and their website.
the more i find out about them and the org promoting it, the more i think of dr. evil when he came out of his 30-year freeze; he was way behind times.
after being thawed out, he demanded one million dollars from the un like that was a lot of money, and he was laughed at because he was so out of touch.
When I decided to back to meetings after about a 28 year absence one thing that really struck me deeply was the feeling that, although I had changed greatly, I'd grown, developed, matured, deepened, had more scars, moved on in many areas.. but that the org had not. Neither had it's members.
In fact the entire org and it's contents seemed to have regressed. Not only had the so called deep, spiritual food been watered down to a nutrition-less transparent nothingness but It felt like I was surrounded by children obsessed by the petty. Elders had the depth and profundity of mere schoolboys, mature sisters were like squibbling infantile girls, the really old were borderline senile and demented and totally out of touch, the younger male ministerial servants had the maturity of pre-adolescent boy scouts,and acted like over privileged spoiled brats.
It was one big kindergarten.. I have never felt so out of place and out of touch with humanity as I did among them.
Suffice to say I only lasted 3 months before I was simply unable to even walk in a hall again. I quit and severed all ties completely.
The Watchtowers obsession with positions
by usualusername inauxillary pioneers get mini praise.. .
regular pioneers are an exampe to follow.. .
half useless men are recommended as ministerials servants.. .
I thought this post was on an entirely different subject...
Will the JW.Org Site make a difference ?
by Phizzy init will obviously make a difference to how jw's obtain their literatrash, they will have to download and print it all themselves before long.. it will make a small difference to the dtod work, they will now refer even genuine questions and interest etc to the site, not taking the opportunity to "witness" on the initial call at all.
this has been happening already to a degree.. the difference i am mainly interested in is the capture of new suckers in to the borg.. we will be able to see when we get 2014's figures, sometime next year, what the rate of increase was over the last ten years.. phizzy the prophet predicts that the rate of increase over the next ten years will not be significantly up.
probably down, but certainly, i feel, not so different from the last ten.. should i be around in ten years to do so, i will wish to ask jw's:.
Will the JW.Org Site make a difference ?
by Phizzy init will obviously make a difference to how jw's obtain their literatrash, they will have to download and print it all themselves before long.. it will make a small difference to the dtod work, they will now refer even genuine questions and interest etc to the site, not taking the opportunity to "witness" on the initial call at all.
this has been happening already to a degree.. the difference i am mainly interested in is the capture of new suckers in to the borg.. we will be able to see when we get 2014's figures, sometime next year, what the rate of increase was over the last ten years.. phizzy the prophet predicts that the rate of increase over the next ten years will not be significantly up.
probably down, but certainly, i feel, not so different from the last ten.. should i be around in ten years to do so, i will wish to ask jw's:.
Seems the Catholics are not fowllowing the jw's and Mormons with feeding their sheep via the internet.
Don't waste time on Internet, smartphones, says Pope Francis
Will the JW.Org Site make a difference ?
by Phizzy init will obviously make a difference to how jw's obtain their literatrash, they will have to download and print it all themselves before long.. it will make a small difference to the dtod work, they will now refer even genuine questions and interest etc to the site, not taking the opportunity to "witness" on the initial call at all.
this has been happening already to a degree.. the difference i am mainly interested in is the capture of new suckers in to the borg.. we will be able to see when we get 2014's figures, sometime next year, what the rate of increase was over the last ten years.. phizzy the prophet predicts that the rate of increase over the next ten years will not be significantly up.
probably down, but certainly, i feel, not so different from the last ten.. should i be around in ten years to do so, i will wish to ask jw's:.
Yes possibly for some that just take the US stats.. but some are more global in their reach and are proven to be extremely accurate.
Take a look at this..
Will the JW.Org Site make a difference ?
by Phizzy init will obviously make a difference to how jw's obtain their literatrash, they will have to download and print it all themselves before long.. it will make a small difference to the dtod work, they will now refer even genuine questions and interest etc to the site, not taking the opportunity to "witness" on the initial call at all.
this has been happening already to a degree.. the difference i am mainly interested in is the capture of new suckers in to the borg.. we will be able to see when we get 2014's figures, sometime next year, what the rate of increase was over the last ten years.. phizzy the prophet predicts that the rate of increase over the next ten years will not be significantly up.
probably down, but certainly, i feel, not so different from the last ten.. should i be around in ten years to do so, i will wish to ask jw's:.
Compete.com a web stats site shows 1,478,149 visitors for the month of June for the US. That's around 42,297 visitors a day.
If you imagine that the same individual will log onto jw.org on their smart phone, IPAD, laptop and home computer (which witnesses definitely do) many of these visitors will get counted up to 4 times.
Quantcast.com shows 866,986 visitors for the period of May 31st - June 29th 2014. That's 28,899 visitors a day. Again not quite a million.
I'm not sure the WT are measuring their stats but not one of the major web stat analysis sites agree with the figure mentioned above.
Still.. the number of visitors too is no real indication of how well a website is doing or how well it's material is received any more than the number of letter boxes tracts are pushed through is any real indication of people interested in what the org is selling or the hours spent knocking on doors is any true indication of how well people are receiving their message. These numbers in fact only show just how much sheer time and paper is wasted.
Will the JW.Org Site make a difference ?
by Phizzy init will obviously make a difference to how jw's obtain their literatrash, they will have to download and print it all themselves before long.. it will make a small difference to the dtod work, they will now refer even genuine questions and interest etc to the site, not taking the opportunity to "witness" on the initial call at all.
this has been happening already to a degree.. the difference i am mainly interested in is the capture of new suckers in to the borg.. we will be able to see when we get 2014's figures, sometime next year, what the rate of increase was over the last ten years.. phizzy the prophet predicts that the rate of increase over the next ten years will not be significantly up.
probably down, but certainly, i feel, not so different from the last ten.. should i be around in ten years to do so, i will wish to ask jw's:.
"Over 900,000 hits per day!.
These numbers are shere trickery.
A 'web hit' means little and is not a unique visitor.
Technical definition of a hitEach file sent to a browser by a web server is an individual hit.
Technical definition of a pageview
A pageview is each time a visitor views a page on your website, regardless of how many hits are generated. Pages are comprised of files. Every image in a page is a separate file. When a visitor looks at a page (a pageview), they may see numerous images, graphics, pictures etc. and generate multiple hits.
For example, if you have a page with 10 pictures, then a request to a server to view that page generates 11 hits (10 for the pictures, and one for the html file). A page view can contain hundreds of hits. This is the reason that we measure page views and not hits.
Conclusion: hits are not a reliable way to measure website traffic.
So.. a single elder viewing jw.org on his Ipad in one hour just by looking at 10 different pages can generate 100's of hits. How many elders are on jw.org?Traffic to jw.org is estimated to be decreasing within the last 3 months. 30% of visitors are located in the USA and Mexico alone.
This months visitors were 866,986 a drop of 4%. According to the web stats, actual visitors to jw.org are actually dropping each month.
The Site was launched at Monday, 27 October 1997 and is 16 years and 10 months old. For a 16 year old site it's really not doing so well.