Hold on a sec.. what's with all the running around? Is it not Satan who is the one who is meant to be doing all the fleeing?
James 4:7 "...Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
since many years the nov public wt has only one color and no picture on the front cover.. very strange.
so the design department saves time and can go from door to door ...... .
download: http://download.jw.org/files/media_magazines/42/wp_e_20141101.pdf.
Hold on a sec.. what's with all the running around? Is it not Satan who is the one who is meant to be doing all the fleeing?
James 4:7 "...Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
a friend of mine is trying the 'slow fade' like i did.
he is a third generation witness and comes from a prominent family in his circuit.
his uncle stepped down as an elder because he had doubts and could not serve anymore (although for now he remains a witness in good standing).
Prominent family? What on earth is a prominent family? You mean like the Mafia? Or Cardinals? Military Generals?
Prominent? adjective adjective: prominent 1. important; famous. " she was a prominent member of the city council "
synonyms: | important, well known, leading, eminent, pre-eminent, distinguished, notable, noteworthy, noted, public, outstanding, foremost, of mark, illustrious, celebrated, famous, renowned, acclaimed, famed, honoured, esteemed, respected, well thought of, influential, prestigious, big, top, great, chief, main ; major-league |
The humility of the witness is simply astounding... Jesus would be so proud of the self-important fantasy titles they and their underlings adorn themselves and each other with as though it means anything in the real world, or any world for that matter.
Prominent = big family of professional window cleaners...
there seems to be an endless number of ways to show the bible is not devinely inspired but all of it seems so complicated.
anyone know any simple arguements for this?
Question: When did Jesus die? On the Sabbath or the day before?
Answer: Yes?
Is that Objective truth in action?
want to know how a lie can turn into a compliment?
only in the jw mindset!!!.
we got called into the dreaded back room after meeting to find two elders wanting to discuss a 'serious' matter with us.
Why the indignation? You act as though you'd be ashamed to have ever done such a thing. I thought it was something serious for a second. Unless you too of course view disfellowshipped people as lepers.
In a sense they are right because your associating with a whole bunch right now by being in this forum. The conscience works in mysterious ways..
hi everyone i'm back from the hell that was twickers.
i have a question, there's a ton a jw related apps available for download.
is it possible for these apps to be able to spy on the user once downloaded on to the tablet or phone?
Apps do have to go through an approval process to be on the Android Store (Google Play) or the Apple Store/iTunes. If anyone is an app developer, you will know that even the simplest apps go through this process and are tested just as thoroughly by Google and Apple.
If there was anything dodgy going on that wasn't part of the app specifications then it would be shown up in that process.
You think so? How did the game app Angry Birds slip the Google and Apple approval process then for years?
there seems to be an endless number of ways to show the bible is not devinely inspired but all of it seems so complicated.
anyone know any simple arguements for this?
This is no way to win friends and influence people. In my entire life, I never encountered such rude atheists.
I don't think they are looking for friends. They are just adamant about smashing to pieces and tearing down what they think is a colossal lie. I'm not sure there is any real way to do that gently and not hurt fragile egos. There may also be a lifetime of residual anger towards the people that told them this lie. ie: witnesses and even ex-witnesses, bible folk.. etc.
In the world of evolution there is no scientific reason for manners or tenderness.
there seems to be an endless number of ways to show the bible is not devinely inspired but all of it seems so complicated.
anyone know any simple arguements for this?
Well.. that just about nails it Terry!. I just felt one of the last remaining anchors get detached from my faulty brain like Neo in the Matrix when he gets unplugged..
I took the Red Pill..
if everybody watches what you do--they will notice all your mistakes.. the same is true of religions and religious leaders.. http://theevangelists.blogspot.com/2011/04/hall-of-shame.html.
too much exposure proved disastrous for jimmy swaggert, bob tilton, rev.
haggard, peter popoff.
if everybody watches what you do--they will notice all your mistakes.. the same is true of religions and religious leaders.. http://theevangelists.blogspot.com/2011/04/hall-of-shame.html.
too much exposure proved disastrous for jimmy swaggert, bob tilton, rev.
haggard, peter popoff.
Why is it that as Witnesses we are instructed not to use the Internet, or email?
Because there will exist a hard copy that can come back to bite them. They avoid like the plague putting anything in writing as it removes all deniability
since many years the nov public wt has only one color and no picture on the front cover.. very strange.
so the design department saves time and can go from door to door ...... .
download: http://download.jw.org/files/media_magazines/42/wp_e_20141101.pdf.
I must say that racism is NOT something I've ever come across here among the J dubs
I have seen and experienced they very opposite in the UK.
Satan invisible? In the 'What Does the Bible Really Teach?' book in chapter 3 Satan has the very visible hand of a white male.