Be grateful you don't live in any of the countries listed below .
The following 21 nations treat apostasy under their criminal laws:
- Afghanistan – illegal (death penalty, although the U.S. and other coalition members have put pressure that has prevented recent executions)
- Comoros
- Egypt – illegal (3 years' imprisonment)
- Iran – illegal (unclear status
- Iraq
- Jordan – possibly illegal (fine, jail, child custody loss, marriage annulment) although officials claim otherwise, convictions are recorded for apostasy
- Kuwait
- Malaysia – illegal in five of 13 states (fine, imprisonment, and flogging)
- Maldives
- Mauritania – illegal (death penalty if still apostate after 3 days.
- Morocco – illegal to proselytise conversion (15 years' imprisonment)Only country not listed by Pew.
- Nigeria
- Oman – legal in criminal code, but according to the family code, a father can lose custody of his child .
- Pakistan – illegal (death penalty since 2007)
- Qatar – illegal (death penalty)
- Saudi Arabia – illegal (death penalty, although there have been no recently reported executions)
- Somalia – illegal (no punishment in anti-AlShahbab areas) (death penalty used by Al-Shabab)
- Sudan – illegal (death penalty)
- Syria
- United Arab Emirates – illegal (3 years' imprisonment, flogging)
- Yemen – illegal (death penalty)