Obviously I'm having ex cult issues, family still in and a wife that's all kokoo for cocopuffs as well as our marriage isn't good. I would like to leave her, she has never been the kind of wife I wanted. Anyway the stress is getting to be to much, thinking about things all the time and its effecting my work as well as otherthings. So now I'm thinking anti depressants may be what to do and wondering what are the pros and cons?
pros and cons of anti depessants?
by Crazyguy 63 Replies latest jw friends
Doc gave me some of those once.. I took a couple one night before bed and it took me about 3 days to wake up again! I was a complete zombie! Never again!
I have been on several, a lot depends on which ones you take and what side effects you experience, it's unique to each person.
They are not a cure all, but can be useful to give you a boost if you are depressed. Most of them become less effective long term, so think of them as a short term fix, don't rely on the them as the only solution. I would not recommend getting them from your regular doctor, see a psychiatrist, they are more qualified to determine if you need them and if so, what kind.
I had a very bad reaction to the drug Cymbalta, I don't recommend that.
You will probably be given one of the newer SSRI drugs, I think they are similar, I had good results with Celexa.
Read everything you can get your hands on about whatever you get. I wished I had done this with Cymbalta, it would have saved me a lot of misery.
I'd try the anti-anxiety approach first. A lot of us former jws have anxiety issues that feel like depression. Therapy and anxiety medication as needed has helped me more than any anti-depressant ever did.
St George of England
A relative of mine was prescribed anti-depressants after her husband died. That was in 1985.
She is still hooked on them today.
Hey when you take ssri you need to watch your diet, a good does of shrooms with a good set and setting can blast the blues away so does Ketamine. Lots of depression is cause by thought loops and these are pretty powerful for changeing the patern.
For 20 years Joan* quietly suffered from an unrelenting desire to commit suicide. She held down a job as a special-education teacher and helped care for her family in the northeastern U.S. Yet day after day she struggled through a crushing depression and felt neither joy nor pleasure. Except for the stream of psychiatrists recommending different antidepression treatments—all of which failed to provide relief—Joan kept her condition private. She says it was the fear of hurting her students or abandoning her father that kept her alive. “I really don't know how I survived,” she says.
A few years ago Joan got a break. She came across a clinical trial for a drug called ketamine that had succeeded in treating patients with intractable major depressive disorder. She enlisted. Following one dose, she experienced her first reprieve from suicidal thoughts in two decades. She realized the drug was working while she was sitting outside on a pleasant day and noticed that the leaves on a tree looked bright green and that a spider was building a web. “It sounds crazy, but normally everything was clouded and gray,” she says. “Nothing stirred me.”
Emerging research indicates that low doses of the active chemical psilocybin, found in the fungi, can have positive psychiatric effects
Look at it as a tool to get your life back.
For many of these medications, a strange side-effect in the first thirty days or so, is an increased risk of suicide. So be alert and have a trusted support system. Hard, I know, in your circumstance.
Are you in a position to change your circumstances, get through the divorce? The men in my divorce recovery group typically underestimated the emotional toll a divorce takes, and typically men have few people they can confide in. The women, by comparison, talk (weep) it all out. So men's grief comes out in weird ways, like work performance.
I took them after the death of my newborn baby and they left me feeling like a zomblie. I had no lows...no highs. Just didn't really care about anything.
Many of my family and friends take medication for both bi polar and depression and they are still suffering. They don't work for long and don't do a lot of good. Many anti depressants also interfere with sexual function, if that is important to you.
I find that a healty lifestyle helps with mild to moderate depression. Take Omega 3's and get enough Vitamin D. Those two supplements help me tremendously as I still suffer from mild depression at times. Get out, have fun and excersize. Surround yourself with positive people who make you happy. Most importantly, see what can be done to fix your marriage.
Aunt Fancy
I would talk to your doctor about it. I was never on anti depressants until I became a JW. I then spent the next 30 years on a number of different ones. Once I woke up (2 years ago) I stopped taking them and I am doing fine. They can be of great help but they do have side effects. It all depends on your body and what you can tolerate. It also may take a few different ones to determine what your body needs. I would try to keep it as a short term solution. Also, you will not see a change for at least 2-3 weeks after taking them.
I am not sure what Dis Member took because with anti depressants you usually only take one a day and I never felt drugged or sleeping from them. What they took might be anxiety medicine which is different than the anti depressants and they do make you sleepy and sometimes feel like you are drugged. I would try to stay away from them if possible.
The other thing I would consider is seeing a therapist because they can be such a life saver and sometimes you don't need the meds with the help of one.
Hang in there, I hope things will get better for you. Sometimes you just have to find the courage to change your life and make it better.